Clarification on definition of a configuration....


I just wanted to check that my understanding of Configurations and
is correct....if the group agrees I could add this to the deltaV FAQ because
I think the text in the specification can be easily misunderstood.

The statement in section 12 says:

       "A configuration is a set of resources that consists of a root
       collection and all members of that root collection that are not
       members of another configuration."

So given the collection structure:

          +----- include
          +----- src
                  +----- gui

You cannot have a configuration rooted at build and another configuration
rooted at build/src.

But later in section 12 it says:

       "the root collection of a configuration can have a member that 
        is the root collection of one of its components" 

So you can have a configuration rooted at build and a component rooted at

Is my understanding of this correct?

Peter Raymond - MERANT
Principal Architect (PVCS)
Tel: +44 (0)1727 813362
Fax: +44 (0)1727 869804

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2001 05:39:41 UTC