from May 2008 by subject

" in data when getting .innerHTML (detailed review of Serialising HTML fragments)

"in foreign content": end-of-file token

"presentation concerns" out of scope? (detailed review of section 1. Introduction)

'in foreign content' doesn't handle EOF

... source element (description) ...

3.7.4. The link element (Spec Review)

< in the tag name state

<address> [was: Re: HTML Action Item 54 - ...draft text for HTML 5 spec to require producers/authors to include @alt on img elements.]

<ruby>, etc. in HTML5

<script> for non-script content

[html4all] alt Flickr and iPhoto/dot Mac

[html4all] Discussion Action 54: First draft of the rewrite of "The img element"

[html4all] HTML5 Alternative Text, and Authoring Tools

[offtopic] your participation is necessary

[Resource Limitation] lack of discussion pages on ESW wiki

[whatwg] HTML4's profile="" attribute's absence in HTML5

[whatwg] re-thinking "cue ranges"

[whatwg] Review of the 3.16 section and the HTMLInputElement interface

[whatwg] Review of the 3.16 section and the HTMLInputElementinterface

[whatwg] Review of the 3.16 section and theHTMLInputElementinterface

[whatwg] Ruby

[whatwg] The <iframe> element and sandboxing ideas

[whatwg] Video proposals

A couple of HTML5 editorial comments

access to local path data in input file-- or alternative way for users to access local imagery from web applications

Action 54: First Draft. (was Re: [Resource Limitation] lack of discussion pages on ESW wiki)

alt - data and reason Re: One more thought...

alt and authoring practices

alt crazyness (Re: alt and authoring practices)

alt text on image report

alt text on image report (was: Re: alt crazyness)

alt use cases

angle brackets in math (Was Re: several messages ...)

Another view of alt optionality

ARIA as stop-gap (was Re: Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion)

boolean attributes case-sensitivity (detailed review of Semantics)

Can foreign elements get foster-parented?

Canvas gradient comments

Canvas ImageData comments

Canvas line style comments

change "scientific documents" to "basic hypertext" (detailed review of section 1. Introduction)

Charset usage data

Clarify what it means for the system identifier to be missing

Comments on Offline Web Applications

Comments on Section 4.11.2 Databases and 4.11.3 Executing SQL statements

conformance levels [was: Re: alt crazyness ...]

Contexts in which <meta> elements may be used

Correction for Vaguer moments in time

Current HTML ruby markup usage

DA 54: First draft of the rewrite of "The img element" - COMMENT KHS

Dangers of non-UTF-8 Re: Details on internal encoding declarations

De facto Thai encodings

debate predicated on incorrect implied definition of alt text - was :alt text on image report

Detailed review of Section 1. Introduction.

Details on internal encoding declarations

Determining Script Type

Deterministic Conformance Requirments [was: Re: HTML Action Item 54 - ...draft text for HTML 5 spec to require producers/authors to include @alt on img elements.]

Discussion Action 54: First draft of the rewrite of "The img element"

Document conformance and non-empty <script src>

DOMTokenList.add() when the underlying string is empty (detailed review of the DOM)

Editorial: "algorithm for extracting an encoding from a Content-Type"

Editorial: Content model for <head>

Editorial: Please indicate presence rules for type='' and media='' on <source> under "Element-specific attributes"

Encoding feedback

Enumerated attributes limited to only known values (detailed review of Semantics)

EOF in new tokenizer states

failure to follow through is not evidence of intent to deceive [was: Re: [html4all] HTML5 Alternative Text, and Authoring Tools]

Feedback on "Offline Web Applications" (Editor's Draft 17 November 2007)

getting innerHTML in XML: duplicate attributes

Heading content in a footer element

Heuristic detection and non-ASCII superset encodings

HTML 5 removed "numeric character reference" term - why?

HTML Action Item 54 - ...draft text for HTML 5 spec to require producers/authors to include @alt on img elements.

HTML Style scoped and CSS namespace

HTML4's profile="" attribute's absence in HTML5

HTML5 Alternative Text, and Authoring Tools

HTML5 Alternative Text, and Google's Jeff Koons

HTML5 and alt: The editors new clothes

html5 nitpicks

IFRAME - @name should be allowed

Image Provenance

Implementing aria: -- examples and methodology

Implementing aria: -- examples and methodology (was Re: Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion)

In body other end tag handling convoluted to get at most one error

inaccessible tables used in QA weblog (accessified table for ARIA analysis)

Information access for all : img, object and @alt

Insert into foster parent (editorial)

Is "data-" a conforming data-* attribute name?

Is Flickr an Edge Case? (was Re: HTML Action Item 54)

ISSUE-41 (Dave Orchard): Decentralized extensibility

ISSUE-41: Decentralized extensibility

ISSUE-42 (cross-reference/subtext): Cross-referencing and subtext [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-43 (client-side image maps): Enhanced Client-side Image Maps [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-44 (DFN/ABBR Cross-Referencing): Definitions and Abbreviations Cross-Referencing [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-45: Eliminating Authoring Distinctions between Block and Non-block Semantics [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-46 (role for embedded content): Requirement to Designate role for Embedded Content [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-47 (bookmark-and-clipping-support): Markup support for bookmark and clipping support of documents [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-47, Markup support for bookmark and clipping support of documents

ISSUE-48 (marks-content-markup-attribute): 'marks' content markup attribute for Q (quotation) and BLOCKQUOTE [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-49 (pronunciation-semantics): Pronunciation Semantics [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-50 (associate-attributions-citations-quotations-and-references): Markup improvements and UA norms to associate attributions, citations, quotations and references [HTML 5 spec]

Issue: adding media DOM and attribute features to the OBJECT element

Liaison with CSS WG to provide a mechanism for expressing the style of document semantics

License discussions in progress at W3M

List Of Numbers Produces Incorrect Output (part of detailed review of common microsyntaxes)

Machine checkability (Was: Re: HTML Action Item 54 - ...draft text for HTML 5 spec to require producers/authors to include @alt on img elements.)

Make C1 range non-errors with ISO-8859-1 declared

MathML entities don't degrade gracefully

Message Tracking ->Re: Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion

need to define clearer UI schemes for document data for interactive UAs

new attributes for fine-tuning the handling of linked and embedded resources

new IDENT data type and more thorough specification of id and xml:id

Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion

No teleconference next week

Normative reference for host name

null namespace Re: Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion

Number of error when EOF inside 'SYSTEM' or 'PUBLIC'

offline web apps contacts?

ol, listing, dt and strike when breaking out of foreign content

Parse error characters

Parsing: <h4> in foreign content

Parsing: <noframes> before <frameset>

Parsing: [R]CDATA algorithm lacks namespace

Parsing: CDATA section processing

Parsing: Equals sign in unquoted attributes

Parsing: Trailing garbage in doctype FPI (was: Re: Doctype usage data)

Please ack the self-closing flag on isindex

Please add rel="timesheet"

Please change the current name of the specification to "HTML5 and XHTML5"

Please clarify that type=text/javascript is optional

Point of Extensibility

Quoted strings in "encoding sniffing algorithm" "get an attribute"

Quotes in attribute names after a boolean attribute

Ratios Do Not Return Errors (part of detailed review of common microsyntaxes)

re-thinking "cue ranges"

Reflecting attributes: boolean (detailed review of the DOM)

Reflecting attributes: float, DOMTimeStamp (detailed review of the DOM)


release "Offline Web Applications" intro/tutorial as a W3C Working Group Note?

Reparsing of comments, escaped text spans, and --!>

Replace aria-datatype and evolve contenteditable

Resetting the insertion mode in MathML

respecification of document.write in an XML consistent manner yet still compatible with legacy content

Review of the 3.16 section and the HTMLInputElement interface

Rewording Algorithms and Script Types

seperability [was: Re: conformance levels [was: Re: alt crazyness ...]]

Serializing: <listing>\n

Serializing: Descendants of (R)CDATA elements

several messages about New Vocabularies in text/html

spell out HTML in title and/or abstract (detailed review of section 1. Introduction)

Strategic decision time

Strategic decision time (was Re: Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion)

Subdocument fragments in a compound document (part of detailed review of documents and document framegents)

support for adding and arranging commands in a menu bar for HTML-based applications

Supporting MathML and SVG in text/html, and related topics

SVG in HTML Review Comments

Syntax: omitting <html> when it's followed by whitespace

Terminology: "document"

The <iframe> element and sandboxing ideas

The input type="search" attribute, what's new ?

The script language attribute

The term "HTML documents"

The term "HTML elements"

Time for publication?

Tree construction: Coalescing text nodes

Typo in Link type "alternate"

UA norm for redirects (both META and http)

UA norms for language content negotiation

Unclear what: "For interoperability, authors are advised to avoid optional features of XML" means.

Update "HTML 5 differences from HTML 4"

Validation error frequencies in Alexa top 500 front pages

Vertical tab preprocessing for media queries

what issue gets veto? [was: Re: Strategic decision time (was Re: Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion)]

Whitespace in attribute values

Working on IE's Operation Aborted problems...

Writing HTML documents: entities in escaped text spans

WYSIWYG editing: execCommand & co

X(HT)ML Fragment Identifiers

Last message date: Saturday, 31 May 2008 15:46:36 UTC