Re: Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion

On Wed, 14 May 2008 18:22:26 +0200, Williams, Stuart (HP Labs, Bristol)  
<> wrote:

> But we also think our work brings important new information to bear on  
> the question,

As far as I can tell, there's nothing here that was not considered six  
months ago.

The test results document says:

    I discovered that at least some of the apparent failures of the :-based
    markup versions of Henri's tests did not arise from the material under
    test, but from accidental properties of the text matrix.


But what this referred to turned out to be a bug in a Firefox beta that  
was unrelated to the colon and the dash:

On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 18:04:00 +0200, Henry S. Thompson <>

>>> I have spent some time exploring the test case helpfully provided by  
>>> Henri Sivonen [1].  I discovered that at least some of the apparent  
>>> failures of the :-based markup versions therein did not arise from the  
>>> material under test, but from accidental properties of the text matrix.
>> It's not really clear to me what it is that you discovered. It seems to  
>> me  that you have tried to work around the differences that the colon  
>> imposes  and thus demonstrated that different code paths is needed.
> I did that as well, but what I was referring to was the "Script did not  
> run" reports against Firefox, which had nothing to do with : vs. -.


It should be quite obvious that something that is unrelated to the colon  
and the dash should not affect the choice of the colon and the dash.

If there is something else that you referred to as "important new  
information", please point out what it is.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2008 14:32:29 UTC