Re: <ruby>, etc. in HTML5

On Wed, 28 May 2008, Robert J Burns wrote:
> You also have been ignoring input from many implementors since I've been 
> involved with the WG. You're drawing your own arbitrary lines around who 
> is an implementor and who is not (now switching to the language of 
> browser vendor, I guess to somehow falsely justify your arbitrary 
> distinctions).

Could you let me know (privately if that is more appropriate) who it is 
that I have been ignoring? It may be that we have different ideas of what 
an implementor is, but if we don't, then I would like to apologise to 
whoever it is I have been ignoring and would like to make amends.

> Also, I have not been suggesting that the draft be edited by majority 
> opinion. Rather I've been saying that a W3C draft should be edited in 
> accordance with the policies and principles of the W3C. None of that is 
> occurring in this WG as far as I can see.

If those policies and principles are majority rule and consensus-driven 
development, then I have no intention of following those policies and 
principles, and am sorry if that hasn't been clearly stated. As I said in 
my last e-mail, it has never been my intent to edit the draft merely to 
reflect majority opinion. It is my intent to write the spec in such a way 
that it addresses the needs of the Web user and Web authoring community at 
large in the best way possible. I edit the spec by taking all arguments, 
researched data, use cases, requirements, etc, into account, and by 
deriving the best possible design from that (at least to the best of my 
abilities). I emphatically do _not_ take into account the number of people 
who have a particular opinion.

If those policies are not majority rule and consensus-driven development, 
then I'm not really sure to what you are referring. Could you elaborate?

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2008 12:37:35 UTC