Re: WYSIWYG editing: execCommand & co

2008/5/14 Frederico Caldeira Knabben <>:

> > FWIW, I don't think that generating <span style="font-size:small"> is any
> > better than generating <font size="2">.
> I completely agree with you Anne.

Dear Fred,

Might it not be an idea to have FCKeditor generate <span class="foo"> (where
foo is some class picked from a list of presets or created by the user) and
also generate a .css file with .foo {font-size: small} ?

[For what follows, I'm still thinking in HTML 4.01 - I've not yet considered
the future of the LINK element in HTML5]
Of course, if FCKeditor doesn't have access to the <head> of the HTML
document in order to add a <link> to the CSS file, this could be a problem.
Perhaps it could be solved by allowing the <link> element to be used in the
<body> of an HTML document (although maybe this would create other problems
- I don't know).
[End HTML 4.01]

All best,

Sam (PS. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch since Wikimania'06 - it was good
to meet you!)
Mr Sam Pablo Kuper BSc MRI
Research Assistant
Darwin Correspondence Project
Cambridge University Library
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Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 15:52:15 UTC