Re: [html4all] HTML5 Alternative Text, and Authoring Tools

Philip TAYLOR (Ret'd) wrote:

> which seems to me to hit the nail on the head.  ALT is mandatory,
> but if a user refuses to provide ALT text, then the editing tool
> is correct to emit INVALID HTML (and, presumably, to warn the user
> that this regrettable behaviour has been necessary).

So conformance criteria for a tool include the possibility of non-
conformance for output instances. I think the test suite for
an authoring tool is going to be a bit of a syllogism.

   tool A is conformant because it outputs conformant instances
   but since it should also be able to output non-conformant instances,
   conformance is nill. So it's conformant and non-conformant at the same

And I hope nobody has certification in mind !


Received on Thursday, 15 May 2008 14:19:49 UTC