from October to December 2012 by subject

"Web MIDI API" published as FPWD

[Agenda] Audio Wg Teleconference 2012-12-19

[Agenda] Audio WG Teleconference, 2012-11-21

[Audio WG] Move to GitHub?

[Audio WG] The group's Twitter account?

[Bug 17320] Exclusive access to audio hardware

[Bug 17334] (setTargetValueAtTime): AudioParam.setTargetValueAtTime is misleading and underdefined

[Bug 17335] (setValueCurveAtTime): AudioParam.setValueCurveAtTime

[Bug 17337] (AudioGainTOC): Editorial: AudioGain is mis-nested in TOC

[Bug 17338] (AudioGain): AudioGain interface not needed?

[Bug 17343] (AudioBufferSourceNodeState): AudioBufferSourceNode state semantics and transitions undefined

[Bug 17344] (NoteOnOffNaming): noteOn, noteGrainOn and noteOff naming

[Bug 17345] (MediaElementAudioSourceNode): MediaElementAudioSourceNode

[Bug 17345] Access to individual AudioTracks

[Bug 17346] (HTMLMediaElementIntegration): HTMLMediaElement integration

[Bug 17348] (JavaScriptAudioNodeName): JavaScriptAudioNode name

[Bug 17354] (AudioListenerDefaults): AudioListener default position, orientation and velocity

[Bug 17355] (DisablingAudioListener): Disabling AudioListener

[Bug 17356] (AudioListenerOrientation): AudioListener.setOrientation vectors

[Bug 17358] (EqualPowerNormalization): Equal-power normalization is not defined

[Bug 17360] (ConvolverNodeLimits): ConvolverNode buffer size limits

[Bug 17369] (OscillatorDetune): Oscillator.detune attribute not defined

[Bug 17375] (MixerGainStructureInformative): MixerGainStructure should be marked as informative

[Bug 17377] (AudioBufferSourceNodeResampling): AudioBufferSourceNode resampling

[Bug 17379] (ChannelLayouts): Channel Layouts are not sufficiently defined

[Bug 17380] (ChannelDownMixing): Channel down mixing incomplete

[Bug 17381] (EventScheduling): Event Scheduling ("Need more detail here")

[Bug 17386] (RealtimeAnalysis): Realtime Analysis empty section

[Bug 17388] (audioparam): AudioParam constructor

[Bug 17389] (OfflineAudioContext): Offline Audio Context

[Bug 17390] (Joe Berkovitz): Loop start/stop points

[Bug 17390] Loop start/stop points

[Bug 17393] (UseDoubles): float/double inconsistency

[Bug 17394] (SamplingFormat): Define sampling format

[Bug 17396] (numberOfChannels): AudioDestinationNode.numberOfChannels

[Bug 17398] (AudioNodeAsAudioParam): AudioNode as input to AudioParam underdefined

[Bug 17399] (AudioParamSampling): AudioParam sampling is undefined

[Bug 17400] (AudioGainScale): GainNode scale underdefined

[Bug 17404] (OscillatorFolding): Oscillator folding considerations

[Bug 17407] (NamingInconsistency): Interface naming inconsistency

[Bug 17411] (AudioPannerNodeUnits): AudioPannerNode units are underspecified

[Bug 17412] AudioPannerNodeVectorNormalization): AudioPannerNode orientation normalization unspecified

[Bug 17416] (MIDI timestamp resolution): timestamps in MIDI should use High Resolution Time

[Bug 17417] Define a security model for requesting access to the MIDIAccess interface

[Bug 17493] JSAudioNode should be an EventTarget

[Bug 17533] JavaScriptAudioNode: number of inputs/outputs

[Bug 17534] JavaScriptAudioNode: number of input/output channels

[Bug 17542] ConvolverNode: Make no. of output channels user controllable

[Bug 17701] AudioParam Automation Example graph missing setValueCurveAtTime

[Bug 17724] MIDI API naming

[Bug 17793] AudioNode.disconnect() needs to be able to disconnect only one connection

[Bug 17794] Behavior of unconnected nodes needs to be specified

[Bug 17795] Behavior of multiple connections to same node needs to be explicitly defined

[Bug 18332] Node creation method naming inconsistencies

[Bug 18334] Asynchronous write

[Bug 18488] Cannot determine connection state of an AudioNode

[Bug 18510] decodeAudioData should accept a mime-type

[Bug 18539] System locking protection / warnings

[Bug 18661] Use startTime / endTime parameter names for AudioParam automation methods

[Bug 18662] Setting audioparam value while there is an automation curve will cancel that automation curve and set value immediately

[Bug 18663] Need a method to get a readonly reading of the combined value when using AudioParam automation curve

[Bug 18675] Separate functionality in AudioParam into EnvelopeNode and AudioParam

[Bug 18676] Add a method to reset the internal state of native nodes

[Bug 18759] boolean returns from MIDIOutput methods are inappropriately synchronous

[Bug 18760] timestamps in MIDIMessage should be explicitly allowed to be zero, with semantic "send ASAP"

[Bug 18764] MIDI messages don't all have a channel, and status should be part of data.

[Bug 18992] Running status should be prohibited

[Bug 19187] New: Web MIDI API needs better intro text

[Bug 19187] Web MIDI API needs better intro text

[Bug 19188] getInput/getOutput should allow short as a target type

[Bug 19188] New: getInput/getOutput should allow short as a target type

[Bug 19561] New: WaveTable is poorly named

[Bug 19561] WaveTable is poorly named

[Bug 19704] Acceptable range for value of AnalyserNode's fftSize

[Bug 19704] New: Acceptable range for value of AnalyserNode's fftSize

[Bug 19759] MIDIPort definition should be above references to MIDIPort

[Bug 19759] New: MIDIPort definition should be above references to MIDIPort

[Bug 19761] Dictionary type for MIDIMessage is likely a performance issue

[Bug 19761] New: Dictionary type for MIDIMessage is likely a performance issue

[Bug 19762] "connect" event not logically possible, and disconnect hard to implement

[Bug 19762] "connect" event not logically possible, and disconnect message not present on some systems

[Bug 19762] New: "connect" event not logically possible, and disconnect hard to implement

[Bug 19764] New: Note in the spec that AudioParam.minValue/maxValue are merely informational

[Bug 19764] Note in the spec that AudioParam.minValue/maxValue are merely informational

[Bug 19765] New: Note that setting AudioParam.value will be ignored when any automation events have been set on the object

[Bug 19765] Note that setting AudioParam.value will be ignored when any automation events have been set on the object

[Bug 19766] Clarify that reading AudioParam.computedValue will return the latest computed value for the latest audio quantum

[Bug 19766] New: Clarify that reading AudioParam.computedValue will return the latest computed value for the latest audio quantum

[Bug 19767] Explicitly mention that the 2nd component of AudioParam.computedValue will be 0 if there are no AudioNodes connected to it

[Bug 19767] New: Explicitly mention that the 2nd component of AudioParam.computedValue will be 0 if there are no AudioNodes connected to it

[Bug 19768] Explicitly mention that the initial value of AudioParam.value will be defaultValue

[Bug 19768] New: Explicitly mention that the initial value of AudioParam.value will be defaultValue

[Bug 19769] New: Note that before the first automation event, the computed AudioParam value will be AudioParam.value

[Bug 19769] Note that before the first automation event, the computed AudioParam value will be AudioParam.value

[Bug 19770] New: Note that if the last event for an AudioParam is a setCurveValue event, the computed value after that event will be equal to the latest curve value

[Bug 19770] Note that if the last event for an AudioParam is a setCurveValue event, the computed value after that event will be equal to the latest curve value

[Bug 19803] "Fingerprint" is unclear

[Bug 19803] New: "Fingerprint" is unclear

[Bug 19807] New: The parameter to AudioContext.createDelay should be float, not double

[Bug 19807] The parameter to AudioContext.createDelay should be float, not double

[Bug 19808] New: The default value of the parameter to AudioContext.createDelay should be specified in Web IDL

[Bug 19808] The default value of the parameter to AudioContext.createDelay should be specified in Web IDL

[Bug 19813] MIDI missing from References

[Bug 19813] New: MIDI missing from References

[Bug 19814] New: Sysex is not the only MIDI message longer than three bytes

[Bug 19814] Sysex is not the only MIDI message longer than three bytes

[Bug 19854] AudioContext.createBuffer(chan, len, rate) should accept only non-zero positive values

[Bug 19854] New: AudioContext.createBuffer(chan, len, rate) should accept only non-zero positive values

[Bug 19867] AudioContext.createBuffer should throw INDEX_SIZE_ERR when asked to create a buffer with 0 channels

[Bug 19867] New: AudioContext.createBuffer should throw INDEX_SIZE_ERR when asked to create a buffer with 0 channels

[Bug 19871] New: Should specify what happens if an out-of-range value is set for PannerNode.panningModel and PannerNode.distanceModel

[Bug 19871] Should specify what happens if an out-of-range value is set for PannerNode.panningModel and PannerNode.distanceModel

[Bug 19872] New: Should specify the defaults for PannerNode's position, velocity and orientation vectors

[Bug 19872] Should specify the defaults for PannerNode's position, velocity and orientation vectors and refDistance, maxDifference, rolloffFactor, coneInnerAngle, coneOuterAngle, and coneOuterGain

[Bug 19873] Clarify PannerNode.listener

[Bug 19873] New: Clarify PannerNode.listener

[Bug 19884] New: Specify the default value and ranges for the DynamicsCompressorNode AudioParam members

[Bug 19884] Specify the default value and ranges for the DynamicsCompressorNode AudioParam members

[Bug 19885] Describe the algorithm that DynamicsCompressorNode should use

[Bug 19885] New: Describe the algorithm that DynamicsCompressorNode should use

[Bug 19900] Clarify the default values for the AudioParam attributes of BiquadFilterNode

[Bug 19900] New: Clarify the default values for the AudioParam attributes of BiquadFilterNode

[Bug 19901] Clarify what happens if you set BiquadFilterNode.type to an invalid value

[Bug 19901] New: Clarify what happens if you set BiquadFilterNode.type to an invalid value

[Bug 19902] Clarify what happens if you set PannerNode.{panningModel,distanceModel} to an invalid value

[Bug 19902] New: Clarify what happens if you set PannerNode.{panningModel,distanceModel} to an invalid value

[Bug 19910] Disallow AudioContext.createDelay(max) where max <= 0

[Bug 19910] New: Disallow AudioContext.createDelay(max) where max <=

[Bug 19957] New: PannerNode.coneGain is unused

[Bug 19957] PannerNode.coneGain is unused

[Bug 19975] New: Promote data and timestamp onmessage/MIDIEvent, get rid of MIDIMessage altogether?

[Bug 19975] Promote data and timestamp onmessage/MIDIEvent, get rid of MIDIMessage altogether?

[Bug 19976] Allowed contents of send( data ) needs to be detailed.

[Bug 19976] New: Allowed contents of send( data ) needs to be detailed.

[Bug 19977] A NoiseGate/Expander node would be a good addition to the API.

[Bug 19977] New: A NoiseGate/Expander node would be a good addition to the API.

[Bug 19991] New: Enable AudioContext to be created in a Worker

[Bug 20039] New: The callbacks of the decodeAudioData API are underspecified

[Bug 20039] The callbacks of the decodeAudioData API are underspecified

[Bug 20125] New: Should detail when exceptions are expected to be thrown

[Bug 20125] Should detail when exceptions are expected to be thrown

[Bug 20161] Make decodeAudioData neuter its array buffer argument when it begins decoding a buffer, and bring it back to normal when the decoding is finished

[Bug 20161] New: Make decodeAudioData neuter its array buffer argument when it begins decoding a buffer, and bring it back to normal when the decoding is finished

[Bug 20229] It is not exact to describe stop function of AudioBufferSourceNode

[Bug 20229] New: It is not exact to describe close function of AudioBufferSourceNode

[Bug 20241] Make it clear that decodeAudioData needs to resample the buffer

[Bug 20241] New: Make it clear that decodeAudioData needs to resample the buffer

[Bug 20254] Add code examples

[Bug 20254] New: Add code examples

[Bug 20364] Interface feedback

[Bug 20364] New: Interface feedback

[Bug 20372] New: Make the last argument of decodeAudioData nullable

[Bug 20376] Change fingerprint to id

[Bug 20376] New: Terminology feedback

[Bug 20376] Terminology feedback

[Bug 20381] MIDIInput and MIDIOutput should inherit from MIDIPort, which should not be an interface

[Bug 20381] New: MIDIInput and MIDIOutput should inherit from MIDIPort, which should not be an interface

[Bug 20411] New: timestamp in MIDIEvent in odds with DOM4 Event timeStamp?

[Bug 20411] timestamp in MIDIEvent in odds with DOM4 Event timeStamp?

[Bug 20412] New: short is the wrong type for data parts, should be octet

[Bug 20412] short is the wrong type for data parts, should be octet

[Bug 20415] Add a serializer to MIDIPort

[Bug 20415] New: Add a serializer to MIDIPort

[Bug 20435] Don't inline arrays in send() calls in examples

[Bug 20435] New: Don't inline arrays in send() calls in examples

[Bug 20500] enumerate is misnomer

[Bug 20500] New: enumerate is misnomer

[Bug 20501] New: some MIDIPort attributes should be nullable

[Bug 20501] some MIDIPort attributes should be nullable

[Bug 20502] MIDIEvent should have a port attribute

[Bug 20502] New: MIDIEvent should have a port attribute

[Bug 20503] New: requestMidiAccess() permission request

[Bug 20503] requestMidiAccess() permission request

[Bug 20504] New: Typo: securityError

[Bug 20504] Typo: securityError

[Bug 20505] merge getInput, getOutput -> getPort() or getPortById()

[Bug 20505] New: merge getInput, getOutput -> getPort() or getPortById()

[Bug 20506] Do we need MIDIOutput and MIDIInput?

[Bug 20506] New: Do we need MIDIOutput and MIDIInput?

[Bug 20507] New: Redundant assertion in requestMIDIAccess()

[Bug 20507] Redundant assertion in requestMIDIAccess()

[Bug 20508] "If successCallback is not callable, abort these steps."

[Bug 20508] New: "If successCallback is not callable, abort these steps."

[Bug 20509] New: SHOULD/MUST user permissioning mismatch

[Bug 20509] SHOULD/MUST user permissioning mismatch

[Bug 20510] New: send(sequence<short> data) should just be send(any data)

[Bug 20510] send(sequence<short> data) should just be send(any data)

[Bug 20511] New: send(…, DOMHighResTimeStamp? timestamp)

[Bug 20511] send(…, DOMHighResTimeStamp? timestamp)

[Bug 20512] MIDIEvent lacking constructor

[Bug 20512] New: MIDIEvent lacking constructor

[Bug 20515] is the MIDIAccess object a singleton?

[Bug 20515] New: is the MIDIAccess object a singleton?

[Bug 20523] Need alternative to REFERENCE_ERROR

[Bug 20523] New: Need alternative to REFERENCE_ERROR

[Bug 20525] MIDIAccess methods aren't restricted to instances created by requestMIDIAccess

[Bug 20525] New: MIDIAccess methods aren't restricted to instances created by requestMIDIAccess

[MIDI use case] Assistant Performer uploaded

[MIDI]: collapsing MIDIMessage into MIDIEvent

[Minutes] Audio WG Teleconference, 19 Dec 2012

[Minutes] Audio WG teleconference, 2012-10-17

[Minutes] Audio WG teleconference, 21 Nov 2012

[Poll] Early 2013 face-to-face date and location

[Web MIDI API] "If successCallback is not callable, abort these steps."

[Web MIDI API] Do we need MIDIOutput and MIDIInput?

[Web MIDI API] enumerate is misnomer

[Web MIDI API] Examples and a serializer

[Web MIDI API] merge getInput, getOutput -> getPort() or getPortById()

[Web MIDI API] MIDIEvent should have a port attribute

[Web MIDI API] requestMIDIAccess()

[Web MIDI API] requestMidiAccess() permission request

[Web MIDI API] send() method should also allow 3 shorts + timestamp

[Web MIDI API] send() timestamp

[Web MIDI API] send(sequence<short> data)

[Web MIDI API] send(…, DOMHighResTimeStamp? timestamp)

[Web MIDI API] SHOULD/MUST user permissioning mismatch

[Web MIDI API] some MIDIPort attributes should be nullable

[Web MIDI API] timeStamp and timestamp

[Web MIDI API] Typo: securityError

[Web MIDI] naming and inheritance model

[Web MIDI] Review of getMIDIAccess algorithm

about the AnalyserNode

Agenda building for next teleconference, Nov 21st

AudioBuffer created from an ArrayBuffer

AudioBuffer mutability

BBC's demos of the web audio API

BufferSourceNode to AudioParam Connection

Call for agenda, Audio WG Teleconference 2012-10-17

can we change the block size?

CfC - publication of Web MIDI API as First Public WD (Was: MIDI spec updates, as per telecon)

Clarification about AudioDestinationNode.maxNumberOfChannels

Clarification on the callback arguments of decodeAudioData

Clarification with regard to AudioNode.numberOfInputs and AudioNode.numberOfOutputs

context.currentTime is not advancing on Chrome/Canary

Convert integer constants to Web IDL enum string constants

decodeAudioData and resampling

DSP API experimental implementation

DSP API overlapping arrays + inv() and neg()

Effect of playing a null AudioBuffer in an AudioBufferSourceNode, and effects of changes to 'buffer'

Feature request and a Chrome 22 bug?

Feedback on editor's draft

Fwd: Re: Publication Request for a FPWG "Web Audio Processing: Use Cases and Requirements"

Fwd: Re: Publication Request for an Ordinary Working Draft: Web MIDI API

Going to the AES "Audio for Games" conference?

Hi all.

how to detect the end of a playing sound ?

iOS 6 context "activation" requirement

Is Web MIDI API intended to become a Recommendation?

Let us enjoy music and protect hearing as well!

Lifetime rules (section 4.2.3)

List of nodes within given context

Mark your calendars: new Audio WG teleconference time

MediaStream integration

MediaStream Processing API

MIDI spec updated. No current open issues. RFWD?

MIDI spec updates, as per telecon

MIDI synchronization issues

Minutes of meeting 5th December 2012

Mutability of the decodeAudioData argument

New Audio WG Telcon Time: Please Fill Out Poll

New WD of MIDI API available

Next call 21st Nov, as initially planned

PannerNode HRTF options

Phase offset for OscillatorNodes?

Pitch preservation in AudioBufferSourceNode

Proposed Teleconference Schedule (Nov - Dec 2012)

Publication Request for a FPWG "Web Audio Processing: Use Cases and Requirements"

Publishing moratoria second half of 2012

Questions about AudioParam

RE : Re: Teleconference on Wednesday

Regrets for audio WG teleconference, 7th Nov

rejoin the Audio WG, recently rechartered

Revisiting AudioParam constructors - proposal

Shepherd system for test management

stability of AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackState, and activeSourceCount

start() and grain

Teleconference on Wednesday

The Future of MediaStream Processing API

Vague language in section 15.3

Vendor implementation status: Web MIDI API

Web Audio API as a Standard Clarification

Web Audio API decoder instancing

Web Audio API sequencer capabilities

web audio conformance test framework

Web Audio Processing: Use Cases and Requirements is published as FPWD

Web MIDI polyfill

Wiki page for group deliverables and milestones

Wrapper for combination of nodes

Last message date: Monday, 31 December 2012 22:00:52 UTC