[Web MIDI API] send() method should also allow 3 shorts + timestamp

Currently, the send() method is defined as:   
void send (sequence<short> data, optional DOMHighResTimeStamp? timestamp);

However, it appears to me that it is extremely common to only want to send 3 bytes of data at a time (+ optional timestamp)… Having now been playing around with the API for about 10 hours, I actually keep forgetting to put things into an array (which leads to annoying errors). Can I recommend that the send interface be overloaded:

void send (sequence<short> data, optional DOMHighResTimeStamp? timestamp);
void send (short byte1, short byte2, short byte3, optional DOMHighResTimeStamp? timestamp);  

That would make the interface much more natural to work with and avoid having to remember to put things into an array all the time.  

Marcos Caceres

Received on Sunday, 16 December 2012 07:30:33 UTC