Re: [MIDI]: collapsing MIDIMessage into MIDIEvent

Sitting on the user side, I'd like to keep MIDIMessage objects in the 
API (separate from MIDIEvent).

1. The API is actually very small. Increasing its size by including a 
separate MIDIMessage does not make the API significantly more difficult 
to understand.

2. I want to have a MIDIMessage constructor for creating messages, and 
I'd prefer that to be handled by the API. I don't want to have to think 
about UInt8Arrays. If MIDIMessages exist (for that reason), it makes 
sense to expect to find them in MIDIEvents too.

Question: Does a MIDIMessage constructor need to be put in the spec?

Possible suggestion (ignore at your pleasure): It would be convenient if 
MIDIOutput could also send a MidiEvent. I seem to remember that the 
'send' function used to be called 'sendMIDIMessage'. Maybe that change 
should be reverted, and MIDIOutput could also be given a 'sendMidiEvent' 


Received on Thursday, 29 November 2012 11:25:31 UTC