Re: CfC - publication of Web MIDI API as First Public WD (Was: MIDI spec updates, as per telecon)

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Thierry MICHEL <> wrote:

> Chris,
> Done, changed to

Thanks, Thierry!

> Could you also change the following in your MIDI source


> As we must publish valid documents (HTML/CSS/links,etc)
> 1- comment the following CSS selector
> /*  tbody { height: 300px; overflow: auto; } */

I removed the line, we are using source control after all. :)

> 2- add an attribute type="text/css" to <style>


> see CSS validator result
> 2Fmidi%2Fspecification.html&**profile=css3&usermedium=all&**
> warning=1&vextwarning=&lang=fr<>

Good for some French practise! ;)

> 3- fix the following broken fragments:
> ***registry/typedarray/specs/**latest/#7<>(line 136)

The fragment is actually referring to the right place, i.e. an h2 element
with the id="7". Is this a bug in the validator or is there something
invalid about that id? Either way, I think we need to complain somewhere
else first. :P

> ***raw-file/tip/midi/**
> specification.html#idl-def-**NavigatorMIDIAccess<>(line 159)

Not sure what on earth happened with this one, I retyped it by hand with
replace mode character by character and now it works. There's some dark
magic at play here. :S

> ***raw-file/tip/midi/**
> specification.html#dom-**navigatormidiaccesserror-code<>(line 267)
> **navigatormidiaccesserror-**permission_denied<>(lines 270, 336)
> ***raw-file/tip/midi/**specification.html#**
> navigatormidiaccesserror<>(line 263)


> ***webappapis.html#function<>(line 119)

Oh they've gone more language-agnostic, this is actually an important catch
then. Apparently also WebIDL now has the type `callback` accordingly, so I
removed the whole reference to `Function` and used callback instead, I
think that's the intention.

> see link checker result
> 2Fspecification.html&hide_**type=all&depth=&check=Check<>

Thanks for the resource, it's very useful! Although it seems to be doing
caching so can't see if it validates now... But I checked that all the
links it was complaining about go to the right place (for me) now.


> Let me know when you are done and I will use your updated document for
> publication.
> Best,
> Thierry
> On 19/10/2012 00:56, Chris Wilson wrote:
>> Looks great.  I'd prefer the "webmidi" shortname, to be symmetric with
>> webaudio.
>> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Thierry MICHEL <> wrote:
>>> Olivier,
>>> I had published the MIDI spec in the temporary URL to check it before
>>> moving it to TR.
>>> **<**drafts/midi/1WD/Overview.html<>
>>> >
>>> I had used the short name
>>> but if that does not fit you, I can change it to
>>> Let me know ASAP and I will request it.
>>> For the document,
>>> I have updated the following:
>>> - SOTD section
>>> - Date and Title
>>> - previous, latest, editor's versions URIs,
>>> Also I have commented the following CSS selector
>>>   /*  tbody { height: 300px; overflow: auto; } */
>>> which produces ugly tables, which large height cells
>>> The document is now ready.
>>> If I don't have objections by monday afternoon (French time), let's say
>>> *noon Boston time*, I will then request Transition and then Publication.
>>> Thierry
>>> On 18/10/2012 22:01, olivier Thereaux wrote:
>>>  Dear all,
>>>> At the teleconference yesterday, we discussed the Web MIDI API spec, and
>>>> agreed we'd like to publish as First Public Working Draft next week if
>>>> Chris found the time to make a few edits - which, as you can see in his
>>>> e-mail he did.
>>>> Publishing at this point will allow us to publicise the work at TPAC,
>>>> and
>>>> get more feedback from the public on a spec which is already quite
>>>> mature.
>>>> Kudos to the editors.
>>>> If there is no objection by Tuesday morning (Boston time) we will assume
>>>> consensus and will move forward with publication.
>>>> Thierry will lead the process for publication, as usual.
>>>> Thierry, since this is a FPWD, can you get the green light for the
>>>> "webmidi" shortname?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Olivier
>>>> On 18 Oct 2012, at 00:42, Chris Wilson <> wrote:
>>>>   I have updated the Web MIDI API specification, as per the discussion
>>>> in
>>>>> today's teleconference, with one addition.
>>>>> The changeset is here:***
>>>>> *rev/f4727ce84474 <**rev/f4727ce84474><
>>>>> https://****f4727ce84474<>
>>>>> >
>>>>> .
>>>>> The updated spec is here:****<**>
>>>>> raw-file/tip/midi/****specification.html<https://**
>>>>> >
>>>>> .
>>>>> I made the following edits:
>>>>>          • I expanded the overview section, making it clear that this
>>>>> API
>>>>> is not intended to cover semantic controls through MIDI (i.e. a
>>>>> solution to
>>>>> the web of things problem), and also that this API is not concerned
>>>>> with
>>>>> Standard MIDI Files or General MIDI - that is, that it is concerned
>>>>> with
>>>>> input and output, not "playback" per se.
>>>>>          • I greatly expanded the introduction section to provide a
>>>>> more
>>>>> table-of-contents style overview of the API, and also to describe in
>>>>> more
>>>>> detail how the API is intended to function.
>>>>>          • I essentially rewrote the Security and Privacy
>>>>> considerations
>>>>> section to describe the fingerprinting and access concerns in more
>>>>> detail,
>>>>> and also (per conversation in telecon) to explicitly leave the model
>>>>> open.
>>>>>   These three edits should resolve bug 19187.
>>>>>          • I changed the sendMessage() method back to my suggested
>>>>> three-parameter form, and explicitly excluded sysex from
>>>>> sendMessage().  I
>>>>> expect further discussion on this point, but for our FPWD, I wanted to
>>>>> have
>>>>> it this way as I was brainstorming the security and privacy
>>>>> constraints,
>>>>> and I think it may be possible to use sysex as the "needs user
>>>>> permission"
>>>>> switch - that is, to require user permission ONLY in order to
>>>>> send/receive
>>>>> sysex.  I'm not positive this will be enough, but it will be easier to
>>>>> change it back than it would be to break variadic usage later.  ref:
>>>>> Bug
>>>>> 18764.
>>>>>          • I explicitly made timestamps in MIDIMessage allowed to be
>>>>> set
>>>>> to zero, with the semantic of "send now", as per Bug 18760.
>>>>>          • I added IDs to several elements in order to provide forward
>>>>> links, and I expanded some of the IDL constructs to better show the
>>>>> descriptions of individual method parameters or members.  (no
>>>>> substantive
>>>>> changes.)
>>>>> -Chris

Received on Friday, 19 October 2012 12:03:24 UTC