Re: Web Audio API sequencer capabilities

I think my intent is misinterpreted here, I know that you can do even
complex automation envelopes with the AudioParam, and its scheduling
capabilities are quite sufficient. What I'm saying is that the automation
behavior belongs to a separate node, and the AudioParam should be
simplified to have no scheduling capabilities, and if you want to schedule
its values you pipe the output of an envelope node into it.

I talked a lot about the benefits and use cases of this in my initial post
about the subject [1], but one thing is a DAW plugin architecture, where
the plugin exposes the AudioParams necessary to control it. Imagine we have
a DAW that lets you draw envelopes for parameters, and a simple oscillator
plugin, that gives out just a detune parameter and uses the built-in
Oscillator. As Oscillators are single-shot, you can't give out the detune
AudioParam because it would just apply for one Oscillator. Hence it
probably makes sense to instead expose GainNodes that pipe their output to
the the respective AudioParams, but with that the enveloping possibilities
are lost. However, if there was a separate EnvelopeNode that handled the
value scheduling, the host could just pipe that to the GainNode that was
provided. It would also leave the plugin free to have its own value
scheduling for the detune if it has some tricks like frequency glide, and
those separately controlled automations would get mixed, and didn't have to
know about each other.



On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 5:23 AM, Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian <> wrote:

> A gain node's gain parameter effectively serves as an envelope node if you
> feed a unity signal to the gain node. This has gotten really expressive
> particularly after connect() began supporting AudioParams as targets. Do
> you have a use case in mind that cannot be covered by such a gain node that
> would be covered by an envelope node?
> -Kumar
> On 4 Oct, 2012, at 1:58 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski <>
> wrote:
> Let me be more specific, do you think the envelope functionality being in
> the AudioParam is more powerful than if it were in a separate node? If you
> do, why? What is the advantage it offers?
> Cheers,
> Jussi
> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Chris Rogers <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 12:59 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski <
>>> wrote:
>>> Chris (Rogers), could I get your opinion regarding the introducing an
>>> envelope node and simplifying the AudioParam?
>> AudioParam has been designed with lots of care and thought for
>> implementing envelopes, so I believe it's in a very good spot right now.
>>  As an example of how people are using these envelope capabilities in
>> sequencer applications, here's a good example from Patrick Borgeat:
>> Chris
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jussi
>>> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 8:19 AM, Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > This would be a very basic setup, but with the current API design
>>>> there are some hard problems to solve here. The audio is relatively easy,
>>>> regardless of whether it's coming from an external source or not. It's just
>>>> a source node of some sort. The sequencing part is where stuff gets tricky.
>>>> Yes it does appear tricky, but given that scheduling with native nodes
>>>> suffices mostly, it seems to me that the ability to schedule JS audio nodes
>>>> using noteOn/noteOff (renamed now as start/stop), together with dynamic
>>>> lifetime support solves the scheduling problems completely. Such scheduling
>>>> facility need only be present for JS nodes that have no inputs - i.e. are
>>>> source nodes.
>>>> We (at anclab) were thinking about similar scheduling issues within the
>>>> context of building compose-able "sound models" using the Web Audio API. A
>>>> prototype framework for this purpose that we built (
>>>> will generalize if JS nodes can
>>>> be scheduled similar to buffer source nodes and oscillators. A bare bones
>>>> example of using the framework is available here -
>>>> .
>>>> "Steller" is intended for interactive high level sound/music models
>>>> (think foot steps, ambient music generators and the like) and so doesn't
>>>> have time structures that are editable or even a "play position" as a DAW
>>>> would require, but it may be possible to build them atop/beside Steller. At
>>>> the least, it suggests the sufficiency of the current scheduling API for
>>>> native nodes.
>>>> Best,
>>>> -Kumar
>>>> On 21 Aug, 2012, at 11:28 PM, Jussi Kalliokoski <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Hello group,
>>>> >
>>>> > I've been thinking about how to use the Web Audio API to write a
>>>> full-fledged DAW with sequencing capabilities (e.g. MIDI), and I thought
>>>> I'd share some thoughts and questions with you.
>>>> >
>>>> > Currently, it's pretty straight-forward to use the Web Audio API to
>>>> schedule events in real time, which means it would play quite well together
>>>> with other real time APIs, such as the Web MIDI API. For example, you can
>>>> just schedule an audiobuffer to play whenever a noteon event is received
>>>> from a MIDI source.
>>>> >
>>>> > However, here's something of a simple idea of how to build a DAW with
>>>> a plugin architecture using the Web Audio API:
>>>> >
>>>> >  * You have tracks, which may contain audio and sequencing data (e.g.
>>>> MIDI, OSC and/or user-defined envelopes). All of these inputs can be either
>>>> being recorded from an external source, or be static pieces.
>>>> >
>>>> >  * You have an effects list for each track, effects being available
>>>> to pick from plugins.
>>>> >
>>>> >  * You have plugins. The plugins are given references to two gain
>>>> nodes, one for input and one for output, as well as a reference to the
>>>> AudioContext. In response, they will give AudioParam references back to the
>>>> host, as well as some information of what the AudioParams stand for,
>>>> min/max values and so on. The plugin will set up a sub-graph between the
>>>> given gain nodes.
>>>> >
>>>> > This would be a very basic setup, but with the current API design
>>>> there are some hard problems to solve here. The audio is relatively easy,
>>>> regardless of whether it's coming from an external source or not. It's just
>>>> a source node of some sort. The sequencing part is where stuff gets tricky.
>>>> >
>>>> > In the plugin models I've used, the sequencing data is paired with
>>>> the audio data in processing events, i.e. you're told to fill some buffers,
>>>> given a few k-rate params, a few a-rate params and some sequencing events
>>>> as well as the input audio data. This makes it very simple to synchronize
>>>> the sequencing events with the audio. But with the Web Audio API, the only
>>>> place where you get a processing event like this is the JS node, and even
>>>> there you currently only get the input audio.
>>>> >
>>>> > What would be the proposed solution for handling this case? And
>>>> please, no setTimeout(). A system is as weak as its weakest link and
>>>> building a DAW/Sequencer that relies on setTimeout is going to be utterly
>>>> unreliable, which a DAW can't afford to be.
>>>> >
>>>> > Cheers,
>>>> > Jussi

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2012 06:47:22 UTC