from November 2007 by subject

[admin] links to archive in Issue-5 are broken

[TF:RA] Rich annotation work (perhaps) taken up by OWLWG

A brief primer on Qnames and URIs

abbreviated IRIs - ISSUE-14 (was Re: owl minutes)

Action 14 clean up minutes

ACTION-28 completed

ACTION-29 is done

Agenda for TC 2007.11.14

Agenda for teleconference Wednesday November 21st, 2007

Agenda for teleconference Wednesday November 28th, 2007

Agenda for teleconference Wednesday November 7th, 2007

Agenda for teleconference Wednesday October 31, 2007

agenda for today's UFDTF

agenda for UFDTF

Agenda requests: Issues we can decide?

All about imports

annotating axioms

Annotation test cases

Axiom prioritization

bug in tracker

Choosing a "short name" for our working group pubs

classes as instances

classes as instances (was Re: comments on RDF mapping)

comments on RDF mapping

comments on RIF BLD from OWL WG


Datatype Defaulting in OWL

Datatype support implementation matrix

Differences between rdfs:Datatype vs owl:DataRange

Discussion of anonymous individuals versus skolems

Documentation goals

Draft minutes 2007.11.14

draft minutes of UFDTF 7th Nov

Extending OWL DL vocabulary (was UFDTF Metamodeling Document)

F2F2 in Washington DC, early April 2008

facets, XSD, SCD, external datatypes (was Re: A brief primer on Qnames and URIs)


further issues from HP

Fwd: ISSUE-51 (Language Name): Name of the Poduct

informative vs normative docs etc....

Input to UFD scope/issues (Was: UFDTF from tech plenary session)

Introduction (other part)

Introductions (F2F Meeting)

ISSUE-11 (datatype facets): REPORTED: Specification of which facet is being restricted in a datatype restriction is missing

ISSUE-14 (CURIES): REPORTED: Proposal to base abbreviated URIs on CURIES not QNAMES

ISSUE-15 (ontology names): REPORTED: Ontologies should not be required to include a URI

ISSUE-2 (allDisjoint-RDF): No syntax for AllDisjoint in RDF mapping

ISSUE-28 (multiple facets): REPORTED: Multiple facet restrictions per data range

ISSUE-3: REPORTED: Lack of anonymous individuals

ISSUE-51 (Language Name): Name of the Poduct

ISSUE-52 (Explanations): Specification of OWL equivalences and rewriting rules for explaining inferences

ISSUE-53 (Linear inequality between two data types): Need for arbitrary inequality conditions on two (or more) data types

ISSUE-54 (Entities as Triples): Translation to Triples missing for entities in RDF mapping

issue-55 (owl:class): owl:class v. [sic] rdfs:class

ISSUE-55 (owl:class): owl:class v. rdfs:class

ISSUE-56 (repairsomerdf): Specify standard "repairs" for moving select RDF documents to OWL?

ISSUE-57 (OWL 1.0 Errata): REPORTED: Folding in OWL 1.0 Errata

ISSUE-58 (OWL 1.0 Ref editorial): OWL 1.0 Ref editorial from webont comments

ISSUE-59 (OWL 1.0 Guide editorial): REPORTED: OWL 1.0 Guide editorial from webont comments

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes - decidability on merging

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes - lots of choice, no guidance

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes - real vs XSD

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes - rounding errors

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes - unimplemented incomplete design

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes - use cases - preferred design

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes - use cases ISSUE-53

ISSUE-5: n-ary datatypes -decidability - datatype group?

ISSUE-5: REPORTED: Doubts about n-ary datatypes

ISSUE-60 (wine ): REPORTED: wine in OWL Guide is not culturally universal

ISSUE-61 (OWL 1.0 Overview editorial): REPORTED: OWL 1.0 Overview editorial from webont comments

ISSUE-62 (OWL 1.0 SAS comments): REPORTED: OWL 1.0 S&AS comments from webont

ISSUE-63 (full semantics): REPORTED: Defining an RDFS compatible semantics

ISSUE-64 (obj-prop-chain rep): REPORTED: object property chains in triples: confusion of list with property

ISSUE-65 (excess vocab): REPORTED: excessive duplication of vocabulary

ISSUE-66 (mapping inconsistencies): REPORTED: inconsistencies between mapping rules

ISSUE-67 (reification): REPORTED: use of reification in mapping rules is unwise

ISSUE-68 (nonmonotonic mapping): REPORTED: mapping rules are non-monotonic

ISSUE-69 (punning): REPORTED: punning is incompatible with OWL Full

ISSUE-70 (lang tag datarange): REPORTED: create datarange of literals with given language tag

ISSUE-71 (datarange language range): REPORTED: create datarange of literals matching given language range

ISSUE-72 (Annotation Semantics): REPORTED: lack of annotation semantics is not backwardly compatible

ISSUE-73 (infinite universe): REPORTED: Should owl:Thing be necessarily infinite?

ISSUE-74 (XSD URIs for facets): REPORTED: Use the xsd namespace for the facet names

ISSUE-75 (Non tractable fragments): REPORTED: Tractable fragments that are not tractable


ISSUE-77 (Horn-SHIQ): Extending Horn-SHIQ

ISSUE-78 (OWL LitEL++): OWL-Lite as EL++

ISSUE-79 (EL++): REPORTED: EL++ Variants

ISSUE-8 (dataproperty chains): REPORTED: add chains ending with data properties

ISSUE-8 (dataproperty chains): REPORTED: add chains ending with data properties)


ISSUE-81 (reification, negative assertions): reification unwise in negative property assertions

ISSUE-82 (Conrad): Metamodel diagrams in Syntax document should be aligned with OMG ODM

ISSUE-83 (Vipul): Property Chain Axiom: P1 o P2 => P2 o P1

ISSUE-84 (Conrad): UML diagrams in the Structural Specification are not quite UML

issues being discussed: REPORTED vs ACCEPTED

issues derived from OWL 1.0 comments list and errata ....

low-level syntax issues

Minutes 20071121

Minutes 28/11/2007

mustUnderstand (was Re: Rich Annotations)

N-ary data predicates (see ISSUE-5)

needs for roundtripping

next week's UFDTF next call

Open issues dealing with user defined datatypes

organizational pages for the Wiki

OWL 1.1 design goals

Owl 1.1 DL and OWL 1.1 Full

owl rational datatype

OWL telecon minutes (for 7 Nov) now on wiki

OWL telecon minutes now on wiki

owl:imports vs xinclude

Possible meeting conflicts next two weeks - Please indicate regrets ASAP

procedural: can tf assign actions

Proliferation of types

proposal - Fragments redux (unifying the threads under Issues 75-80)

Proposals for hosting F2F2

Punning and the "properties for classes" use case (from public-owl-dev)

Question on RDFS3.0 (was Re: proposal - Fragments redux )

quoting conventions in email

raw minutes of today's meeting

RDF mapping of OWLClass, Datatype...

RDFS 3.0 and Oracle OWL Prime

RDFS 3.0 and Oracle OWL Prime (was Re: wiki page on fragments extended)

Related to ISSUE-6

resolution of editorial issues

Rich Annotation System Proposal

Rich Annotations

Rich Annotations Use Cases

Side issue: Table layout

Some wiki additions

Sorry! (Re: Datatype Defaulting in OWL)

Telecon for referencing externally defined datatypes

Telecon for referencing externally defined datatypes and re: UFDTF

UDFTF Who reads our documents

UFDTF - on stale docs

UFDTF - today's teleconference details (not Zakim!)

UFDTF - UFDs and Webont

UFDTF - who are we writing for

UFDTF dial in details

UFDTF dial in details confirmed

UFDTF F2F goals???

UFDTF from tech plenary session

UFDTF Metamodeling Document

UFDTF minutes (draft)

UFDTF Minutes - Monday 26th Nov

UFDTF next call

UFDTF on the Face to Face Agenda?

UFDTF on Zakim in half an hour

UFDTF regular meeting time

UFDTF: Agenda for Monday 12 noon EST

UFDTF: Agenda Mon Dec 3rd

unnamed datatypes in RDF/XML

User defined datatypes & XML Schema WG

User Facing Documents

Visual Rendering of OWL ontologies?

vote for F2F2 location and time (by 21 November)

what to do for suggested annotations (was Re: Rich Annotations Use Cases)

wiki page on fragments extended

Working Drafts, Recommendations, Working Group Notes etc.


XML Schema datatypes

Last message date: Friday, 30 November 2007 23:25:28 UTC