Re: ISSUE-64 (obj-prop-chain rep): REPORTED: object property chains in triples: confusion of list with property

Boris Motik wrote:
> Hello Jeremy,
> I am not sure I completely understand what the problem is here, so please let me just restate the problem.
> I get the impression that you are worrying about a proper definition for the semantics of rdfs:subPropertyOf. The semantics of this
> property is defined in RDF(S), so we can't redefine it in OWL.


> Thus, we would somehow need to ensure that the interpretation of the
> first node in the rdfs:subPropertyOf is equivalent to the semantics of the property chain.

The interpretation of the first node must be a property and have an 
appropriate property extension.

That node may be the same as the list node, or could be some other node, 
that depends on the mapping rules.

> Is this a correct summary of the problem? If that's it, I have no problem with extending the RDF mapping.

Yes I don't think this is hard.

I was trying to list issues, (some easy, some difficult).
I wasn't trying to restrict myself particularly.

I think it is poor form to sit on issues and raise them later in the 
working group life, when I am aware of them today.


Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 11:40:53 UTC