bug in tracker


I believe that there is a bug in tracker, having to do with termination
of IRIs.

To see the problem, look at Issue 8 in the OWL WG tracker, at

In the note at the bottom, I entered an IRI in <http://foo.bar>
expecting the IRI to be http://foo.bar, but the IRI came out to be

My understanding is that > is not a legal character in IRIs and thus
should not be included in the IRI.

The same thing happens for ", which I believe is also not legal.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

PS: Another annoyance in tracker (but not, actually, a bug) is that
after editing an issue the resulting page does not have a button for
re-editing.  Instead you have to go and redisplay the issue somehow.

PPS: Yet another annoyance is that notes are not editable.

Received on Thursday, 15 November 2007 09:39:32 UTC