RE: Extending OWL DL vocabulary (was UFDTF Metamodeling Document)


 >  > See

 >  I ran this file through Pellet 1.5.1 directly.  Pellet 1.5.1
 >  implements OWL 1.1 metamodelling, as does Pellet 1.4.  I think that
 >  several other OWL DL reasoners have been upgraded to support much of
 >  OWL 1.1, as OWL 1.1 has been out for quite some time now.

 >  So it is not surprising that tools support more that OWL DL now.
 >  Pellet is particularly good at saying just what the input looks
 >  like.  Here is what Pellet 1.5.1 reports for a slightly modified
 >  version of the ontology (included below):

I think it's easier for the standard to not rule out extensions of the
DL vocabulary (nor rule them in either), than it is to explain to users
that they can still use DL reasoning (subsumption checking, etc) on
languages wider than OWL DL.

 >   <owl:Class rdf:about="">
 >     <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
 >   </owl:Class>

Missed why you needed to add this.


Received on Friday, 30 November 2007 22:11:40 UTC