Re: unnamed datatypes in RDF/XML

On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:51 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

> Doesn't this just mean we have to be a little more careful where we  
> put the namespace?
>  <owl:Class ID="ActionTime"
>     xmlns:xs=""
>     <owl:equivalentClass>
>        <owl:Restriction>
>          <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasTime"/>
>          <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:parseType="Literal">
>            <xs:simpleType xmlns:my=""  
> >      <--- the namespace is here now
Doesn't help because Exclusive canonicalization (unlike  
canonicalization) doesn't "see" prefix use inside attribute content,  
thus treats this decl as "unused, so must be removed".

> BTW, Bijan, why would you create a different data type for each  
> time interval you annotate, rather than defining a single  
> "interval" datatype and then using a bunch of values from it?

Because I want to say

	event1: occursAt some (=>2 and <=5).
	event2: occursAt some (=>4 and <=6).
	event3: occursAt some (=>7 and <=10).

(Assume occursAt is functional.)

I.e., I know events occur within certain intervals, i.e., I know the  
boundaries of the intervals. There is no single datatype I can  
instantiate. Even if I had lists, I wouldn't have the right semantics.

Btw, I can infer that there must be at least two distinct events from  
the above. I can do this even if I change the third line to:
	event3: occursAt some (=>6 and <=10).

(Since event2 can be = event 1 *or* event3, but not both.)

(If you have different sensors and some event detector, you might  
have them reporting the "same" events with somewhat different  


Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2007 09:19:57 UTC