RE: UFDTF Metamodeling Document


 >  I'm assuming that you mean the OWL Metamodel in:
 >  Ontology Definition Metamodel
 >  OMG Adopted Specification
 >  OMG Document Number: ptc/2007-09-09

Yes, that's the latest, see Chapters 10 and 11 at

 >  I just took a look at that document and, frankly, it is so full of
 >  inaccuracies that there is no reason whatsoever to align with it.

Could you give some examples from the OWL and RDF metamodels?  If you'd
like to file issues on them, see
They must be filed by February 22, 2008 to require the task force to
address them before issuing the finalized specification.  You can also
become involved in the task force, and since Alcatel-Lucent is an OMG
member, you can have voting privileges with a simple motion made at the
next meeting (December 14th, I can arrange for the motion if you like).

Just as background, several of the authors of the OWL and RDF/S
metamodels in ODM are members of the OWL working group and were members
of WebOnt (you might recall being invited a number of times to review
them).  The OWL metamodel in particular underwent significant peer
review, within OMG as well as by the broader user community (academic
and industrial), and is successfully implemented in a number of open
source and commercial applications.  I'm sure they would welcome
specific suggestions for improvement.


Received on Thursday, 29 November 2007 15:06:35 UTC