w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org from October 1996 by subject

(Resend) Re: A7: CDATA, RCDATA, TEMP marked sections?

[oh no, Mr. Bill! not] B.3 Record-end handling?

a comment on comments (meta-comment comment?)

A modest proposal (DTD for DTDs revisited)

A note on case sensitivity

A10: how to escape markup characters in data?

A11: element content and mixed content?

A12: quote all attribute values?

A13: require semicolon in entity refs?

A14: allow processing instructions?

A15: use notation names in 'formal' processing instructions?

A16: resolve character refs in PIs?

A17: keep or drop entities?

A18: types of markup declarations?

A19: parsing rules?

A1: only one concrete syntax?

A20: comment syntax in XML?

A21: restrictions on attribute values?



A24: references to external data entities?

A25: recursive entity reference?

A26: ANY keyword?

A27: precedence and behavior of , | & ? * + ?

A28: syntax of markup declarations?

A28: syntax of markup declarations? (LONG)

A2: SGML declaration?

A3: SGML features?

A4: XML's use of SHORTTAG?

A5: no quantities, no capacities?

A6: no asynchronous marked sections?

A7: CDATA, RCDATA, TEMP marked sections?

A8 and A17: entities, conditional inclusion, what's XML for?

A8: INCLUDE/IGNORE marked sections?

A9: CDATA and RCDATA elements?

acceptance of XML

Acceptance of XML (Seconding Bill Smith's posting)

Addition to the list

Addition to the WG

Address change: Nancy Paisner

ANY keyword?

Applications of XML

B.1 and B.2 results

B.1 Character-set rules?

B.10 Empty elements?

B.11 Empty end-tags?

B.12 Multiple notation declarations?

B.13 ENTITY attributes for notations?

B.2 DTD required or optional?

B.3 Record-end handling?

B.4 Drop comments, PIs in mixed content?

B.5/B.6 Restrict PCDATA in content models?

B.7 Conditional inclusion in DTDs?

B.8 MSxCHAR markup-suppression?

B.9 Formal system, public identifiers?

Batch C questions: now's the time

C.1 synchronous or asynchronous entities?

C.10 Allow nondeterministic content models?

C.11 Multiple declarations for attributes?

C.12 types of declared values for attributes?

C.13 Multiple ID and NOTATION attributes?

C.14 Enumerations in attribute declarations?

C.15 New methods for attribute defaults?

C.16 Behavior when DTD is incomplete?

C.2 prescribed implementation of ENTITY-END signal?

C.3 text entities as values of ENTITY attributes?

C.4 Undeclared entities?

C.4 Undeclared entities? [CDATA #REQUIRED?]

C.5 hexadecimal character references?

C.6 multiple declarations of same element?

C.7 inclusions and exclusions?

C.8 Prohibit reference to undeclared elements?

C.9 Forbid & connector?

Capitalizing on HTML (was Re: equivalent power in SGML and XML)

Caveat Tag Salad (Was: some ERB decisions)

Characters and SDATA entities

Combine RE/RS proposals?

Comments of 25/10 draft of XML

Content models

Current Status of Discussion on RE/RS Handling

D.1 Distinguish partial and full DTDs?

D.2 DTD summaries (a la NSGML)?

D.3 ANY-ELEMENT element-declaration keyword?

D.4 parameter entities?

Delimited pseudoelements

delimiters (Re: A7: CDATA, RCDATA, TEMP marked sections?)

Derived DTDs

documentation for UA interoperability

DTD equivalence and expressive power

DTD issues

DTD markup decision (Was: Re: A modest proposal...)

DTD power / features / extensions

Element content the real issue?...

ERB decision, 31 October 1996

ERB decisions on A.17, B.9, and other questions

ERB decisions, 23 October 1996

ERB decisions, 24 October 1996

ERB meeting, 30 October 1996

First month of discussions available

Fresh activity page

Hear, Hear!


Last unstructured discussion: SGML compatibility

Make DTDs optional?

More on RE/RS

more questions for 16 October

New RS/RE Proposal

non-reportable errors

Non-Unicode characters, SDATA, etc.

note on the meaning of 'Yes'

Optional features considered harmful

partial DTDs [was: Re: B.10 Empty elements?]

PNG Gets a Big Write-Up

questions about entities and entity declarations

Questions for decision 9 October

re A28

reb B.10 empty elements

Report from the SGML ERB meeting of Oct. 9th

Resend: Re: A6: no asynchronous marked sections?

RS/RE: basic questions

RS/RE: Yet Another Proposal

SDATA entities

SGML WG list up again

Shortrefs fatally flawed

some ERB decisions

some ERB decisions REF: A.20 Comments

Test: w3c-sgml-wg

The external text entity problem


Unstructured: DSD syntax.

Voting extended 48 hours

Will XML go beyond SGML Users?

XML schedule of work

Last message date: Thursday, 31 October 1996 20:13:09 UTC