Re: More on RE/RS

>>Could you picture a trivial variant of SGMLNORM (XMLNORM?) that brackets
>all the
>>data and solves the RE/RS/whitespace problem properly? 
>Sure I could picture it. It's always in the back of my mind as an option
>should XML turn out too strange. With OmniMark in my back pocket and the
>tremendous potential of Jade round the corner, I feel strangely secure.
>(By the way, shouldn't we all chip in and take out an insurance policy
>on James?)

Can you imagine a trivial variant of XMLNORM that tranforms an XML 
instance that obeys the "No insignificant RE" to an SGML document that
would have exactly the same post parse representation?

Received on Tuesday, 1 October 1996 08:45:35 UTC