Re: B.8 MSxCHAR markup-suppression?

At 21:07 12/10/96 +0100, Michael Sperberg-McQueen wrote:
>On 16 October 1996, the ERB will vote to decide the following question.
>A straw poll indicates the ERB is leaning to dropping these constructs.
>B.8 Should XML use MSOCHAR, MSSCHAR, and MSICHAR strings (9.7)?
MSOCHAR and MSICHAR do not make sense in XML, but should XML need an
escaping mechanism for some characters, as has been suggested, it would seem
silly to invent something new when MSSCHAR already provides a solution that
will be acceptable to full SGML systems.
Martin Bryan, The SGML Centre, Churchdown, Glos. GL3 2PU, UK 
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Received on Monday, 14 October 1996 04:38:02 UTC