w3c-wai-ig@w3.org from April to June 2021 by subject

10 quick accessibility tests everyone can do

[w3c-wai-ig] <none>

AccessibilityOz turns 10 - free webinar on history of web a11y!

Accessible embedded maps

Another question about use of aria-owns

Apex 4X : The Comprehensive ARIA Development Suite is now live.

Appropriate use of aria labels

Aria roles

AW: Hover contrast


CFP: Accessing Higher Ground 2021 - May 12 deadline

Checking text on image colour contrast compliance (when a colour gradient is applied)

Code recommendation for numbered endnotes

Concerns with Accessibe joining W3C

Contractions: good or not from the accessibility perspective?

Do we need a plain video transcript if we have an interactive one?

Doubt about pdfs accessibility

Email and Reflow at 320 CSS px

High numbers of WCAG issues and pull requests

Hover contrast

Images that fail contrast

Important: WAI IG List Conduct

Layout or data table?

Luminosity ratio question on images

modal / popups catching tabs - ADA rules?

OL and the START attribute

Open positions in research project SHUFFLE at Stuttgart Media University

Promotional header option that sits independently of <h1> to <h6>?

Query on labeling

Query on underlines link

question about use of aria-owns

question for consultants?

Question header sections

Rating System For Deaf Users

Role of W3C [was: Concerns...]

SC 1.4.10 Reflow - scrollbar by design a fail or not?

SC 3.2.2 and table with changing columns

Screen reader reading order?

Scrollable regions

search with autocomplete

Slideshow pause/slide

Span and accessibility

Study on transparency of automatic accessibility validation tools

Technique : C27 and GDPR compliant cookie banner

typeahead film search accessibility

Use of the fig caption element

Using the block quote for magazine-style pull quotes

Using the word 'below' as a visual characteristic

Version 4.1 of SkipTo.js is available to implement Bypass Blocks requirement of WCAG

Video transcripts/audio descriptions and video players

WAI needs to address email explicitly

{ quick question } visual focus

Last message date: Tuesday, 29 June 2021 13:43:05 UTC