Doubt about pdfs accessibility


I would begin by recognizing the difference between accessibility and 
usability.  Usability begins by defining the user, in this case, it 
could be one of those language speakers, but it could be someone like me 
who speaks enough Spanish to be dangerous.  If I have time, I read the 
Spanish first and then scan the English to make sure I got it right.  
Making this as usable as possible for all intended users and uses can 
thus be a challenge.

Accessibility is a simpler assignment, to give the disabled the same 
experience as the non-disabled. In this case, that means the content in 
each language is accessible and the default reading order as presented 
in two independent columns, as opposed to newspaper columns that flow 
into each other.  Only if the non-disabled viewer is given a command 
option to view only one language would I give that same option to the 

Peter Shikli
Access2online Inc.
29030 SW Town Center Loop East
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Prison inmates helping the internet become accessible

Lleonart, Assumpta wrote on 5/13/2021 12:23 AM:
> Hi, everyone,
> I'm not sure if this is the right forum to ask my question. Anyway, I 
> would appreciate your ideas and comments.
> I have a question about pdfs accessibility:
> In some publications, more than one language is used to provide the 
> same information. This is not the simple case where, within a text in 
> a specific language, there is a word or a phrase in another language. 
> I'm talking about a text with a two-column layout: In the left column, 
> Spanish text is shown and, in the right column, you can find the same 
> text but in English; moreover, the text in each language runs from one 
> page to the following.
> It is not a question about marking the language of each column, but 
> about reading order. Is there any method to allow users to read only 
> one of the languages and skip the other?
> Thanks for your help,
> *Assumpta Lleonart*
> Ārea d’Innovaciķ i Estratčgia Digital
> Institut Cartogrāfic i Geolōgic de Catalunya
> Parc de Montjuīc | E-08038 Barcelona | Tel. 93 567 15 00 (ext. 3108) | 
> Fax 93 567 15 67
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> <>
> image002

Received on Thursday, 13 May 2021 18:03:22 UTC