modal / popups catching tabs - ADA rules?


I recently saw a tutorial where someone suggested that in a modal (and
I believe also popups) according to ADA rules that the user should be
prevented from tabbing out of the modal / popup.

That seems sort of weird to me since I would normally just think I
allow you to tab out and when you do I close the modal and give your
the focus outside the modal to wherever you are at (same applies
popup) - at first I thought well ok that's the way the ADA wants it
but the more I thought about it the more it seems just wrong to me.

So is the way I would normally do it correct or was the article
actually correct that the ADA would require you to prevent the user
from tabbing out of such a container? If so, can you clarify the
reasoning for me?

Bryan Rasmussen

Received on Friday, 11 June 2021 09:18:42 UTC