Re: Luminosity ratio question on images

On 19/04/2021 10:26, Louise Lister wrote:
>  1. We have a series of awards/medals where the text is engraved in the
>     medal. Each medal image accompanies some content about it. I include
>     the text in the alt description but the medal itself would not pass
>     the *luminosity ratio* test, because the text is effectively an
>     engraved surface.

I think you need to include the engraved text next to the image, in the 
primary content of the web site.  That's effectively what people who 
sell commemorative coins, etc., do in their print advertisement.

Incidentally, even without contrast problems, you cant easily rotate 
desk top screens to read around the edge of the disk, which makes some 
difficult to read because of the varying angles of the text.

Assuming we are talking about <>, I 
think you could make a feature of the description, by adding a few word 
about the contribution of the person shown on the medal to science.

Received on Monday, 19 April 2021 10:02:37 UTC