RE: Do we need a plain video transcript if we have an interactive one?

Thanks Shawn, that's great.

I appreciate my questions (in the scheme of things) are probably a bit basic, but it's actually going to change the way we do things, so all your answers are really great!

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Henry <> 
Sent: 17 June 2021 13:32
To: Louise Lister <>;
Subject: Re: Do we need a plain video transcript if we have an interactive one?

Hello, Louise, and WAI IG folks,

Here is a comprehensive resource that addresses your questions and issues:
 Making Audio and Video Media Accessible;;sdata=dRwlaXCaaM02Jh6OD7BblDmAmGUJdBnfl%2FIEYiKuxYw%3D&amp;reserved=0

For example:
* Ideally you provide a separate "descriptive transcript" in addition to closed captions and an interactive transcript. As you said: "I can see the benefits of both types" :-)
* Re: "I can only assume they're using a specific software platform which wouldn't be an option for us." That resource links to an example of interactive transcript provided via the free open source AblePlayer.
* "ensure visual information is scripted in the original video" Yes! In that resource, we call it "integrated description" and it's covered starting from;;sdata=vzfh%2Bv93I0tW8mLjdFndAkyEvzxHZNyz5VmWFiJs0%2Bo%3D&amp;reserved=0

> A lot of our videos have presenters showing fun at home physics experiments for kids to try.



On 17-Jun-21 5:37 AM, Louise Lister wrote:
> Ah thanks Steve, that helps. I presume it will also depend on whether we can ensure visual information is scripted in the original video too?
> A lot of our videos have presenters showing fun at home physics experiments for kids to try.

On 17-Jun-21 3:58 AM, Louise Lister wrote:
> Hello all,
> I hope you are a having a good week.
> We are about to start adding transcripts to our embedded videos on our website (hooray), and I had a little question.
> For now, we are looking to add a plain text transcript, but if at some point we had the ability to include an interactive transcript, would that then cover the transcript requirement from an accessibility requirement, and we could dispense with the plain text transcript?
> I can see the benefits of both types, and whilst I love the interactive transcripts that TEDx use (fab talk:;;sdata=iNytDUcSKfxlTgV2WvI0utvwR4urFpyVb%2F1ElyUK8I8%3D&amp;reserved=0 <;;sdata=iNytDUcSKfxlTgV2WvI0utvwR4urFpyVb%2F1ElyUK8I8%3D&amp;reserved=0>), I can only assume they're using a specific software platform which wouldn't be an option for us.
> With kind regards
> Louise
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Received on Thursday, 17 June 2021 13:10:41 UTC