www-style@w3.org from July 2012 by subject

[CfC][CSS21] Errata: define "formatting context", fix related bugs (Was: Re: [css3-flexbox] overflow property)

[css-colors] references an inexistant property

[css-compositing] group logic in CSS

[css-compositing] How do 'alpha-compositing' and 'blend-mode' interact?

[css-compositing] Move CSS Compositing spec to WD

[css-om][css3-conditional] spaces, newlines and rule serialization

[css-regions] Concern about CSS regions flowing into generated content

[css-regions] Region.flowFrom throwing exception

[css-regions] Shadow DOM and Regions CSSOM

[css-text] Styling of text decoration

[css-variables] cycle() and variables

[css2.1][css3-fonts] keywords in unquoted font family names

[CSS2.1][CSSOM] "Used Value" and "auto"

[CSS21] (Appendix E) Are inline-blocks "block equivalent"?

[CSS21] (Appendix E) Table cells not painted?

[CSS21] Appendix E imprecise about background propagation to canvas

[CSS21] border-collapse with rowspan or colspan

[CSS21] Errata: does 'overflow' affect the table box or the wrapper box?

[CSS21] Is a replaced element allowed to be a table box?

[CSS21] Proposal to define "Block container element"

[CSS21] Text and overlapping with negative margin-bottom

[CSS21] Unspecified case in 10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements

[CSS21] Used value versus specified and computed value (position relative)

[CSS21] zindex.html "element" terminology

[CSS21][css3-flexbox][css3-multicol] (Appendix E) Almost everything is block-equivalent! (Was: Re: [CSS21] (Appendix E) Are inline-blocks "block equivalent"?)

[CSS3 color]Errata updated

[css3-animations] Interaction of timing functions specified in a keyframe with properties defined in other keyframes

[css3-animations] time sources, videos and storyboards

[css3-background] 'auto' value for background-size

[css3-box] padding: auto

[css3-box] run-ins: an alternative model

[css3-break] 4.2 column and region breaks

[css3-break] Breaking replaced elements

[css3-break] Comments on possible break points (section 4.1)

[CSS3-color] Errata

[css3-exclusions] Issue 15183

[css3-flexbox] 9.2. Line Length Determination

[css3-flexbox] absolutely positioned flex item should not have side effect on space distribution

[css3-flexbox] Abspos flex-item positions

[css3-flexbox] content-align

[css3-flexbox] DoC Issue 4, name of the 'order' property

[css3-flexbox] Does 'order' take <number> or <integer>?

[css3-flexbox] Editorial comments on ED 2012-07-04

[css3-flexbox] Fixing the "replaced elements may or may not be inline" issue

[css3-flexbox] hypothetical size for breaking vs. flex basis

[css3-flexbox] is 'wrap-reverse' confusing?

[css3-flexbox] make 'visibility: collpase' items more stable for multi-line flex container

[css3-flexbox] min-height + column + vertical writing mode

[css3-flexbox] miscellaneous comments on Chapter 4. Flex Items

[css3-flexbox] ordering and accessibility concerns

[css3-flexbox] Paint flex items atomically?

[css3-flexbox] Painting order

[css3-flexbox] Problems with Collapsed Items example

[css3-flexbox] question about calculating "hypothetical main size"

[css3-flexbox] sign bug in the algo

[css3-flexbox] tables with captions as flex items

[css3-flexbox][css-ALL] Should z-index Just Work on flex items?

[css3-flexbox][css3-align] default alignment of a 'column wrap-reverse' flex container

[css3-flexbox]Percentage max-width, min-width of flex container's item etc. against indefinite size of the flex container

[css3-fonts] default font features

[css3-fonts] default font features and 'none'

[css3-fonts] update to editor's draft

[css3-fonts][cssom] Load events for webfonts?

[css3-grid] Status?

[css3-images] Image Fragments and SVG URIs

[css3-images] Indicating it's optional to retrieve a url specified in background-image (or font-face)

[css3-images] “image-orientation” property

[css3-lists] I18N-ISSUE-146: Description of ‘ethiopic-numeric’ counter style

[css3-lists] Khmer consonants as list markers

[css3-lists] maintainance of counter styles WAS: Khmer consonants as list markers

[css3-lists] Where can the counter() function be used?

[css3-multicol] Balancing after a non-breaking element

[css3-multicol] initial value of 'column-rule-color'

[css3-multicol] unknown available width and shrink-to-fit

[css3-page] (Un)prefixing

[css3-page] Margin boxes: replacing 6.3.2 Variable Dimension Computation Rules

[css3-page] Negative content area in 6.3.3. Margin Box Fixed Dimension

[css3-page] preferred height, containing blocks, counters, vertical-align, size, links

[css3-page] vertical-align on page-margin boxes

[css3-positioning] z-index and pseudo-stacking contexts

[css3-regions] Limitations and missing use-cases for Region CSSOM interface

[css3-regions] Region interface

[css3-speech] “neutral” voice

[css3-speech][ISSUE-271] “neutral” voice

[css3-syntax] Mention of tokenizing HTML; [] vs {}

[css3-syntax] UNICODE-RANGE production rule

[css3-syntax] Whitespace in rule mode creates a selector

[css3-text] clarifying text-transform:capitalize

[css3-text] letter-spacing at element boundaries

[css3-text] Styling of text decoration

[css3-transforms] interpolation of transform lists

[css3-transforms] Should rotate3d be listed as a primitive?

[css3-transforms] Stack level of non-positioned transformed elements

[css3-ui] :valid :invalid - issues and possible solutions

[css3-ui] image cursors and high-dpi displays

[css3-ui][css3-writing-modes] logical directions for resize?

[css3-ui][css4-ui] block-overflow property

[css3-values] bare parenthesis as calculation/grouping construct

[css3-values] bare parenthesis as calculation/grouping construct (was: Disposition of Comments, remaining issues, and moving to CR)

[css3-values] comparing computed values

[css3-values] copy-paste mistake in resolution unit section

[css3-values] Disposition of Comments, remaining issues, and moving to CR

[css3-values] inaccurate statements about syntax/grammar

[css3-values] nesting calc()

[css3-values] required ranges for values

[css3-values] the "about" URI Well-known Tokens registry (was Re: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-07-04)

[css3-values] unresolvable URIs

[css3-values] use cases and the design of 'cycle()'

[css3-values] valid rationale for not allowing spaces around '+' and '-' to be dropped

[css3-values] valid rationale for not allowing spaces around '+' and '-' to be dropped (was: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-07-04)

[css3-values] vmax, please!

[css3-values][css-variables] definition of <value>

[css3-values][css3-transforms] relative length in functional notation

[css3-writing-modes] column progression direction

[css3-writing-modes] Editorial comments

[css3-writing-modes] editorial comments on Appendix D: Intrinsic Dimensions

[css3-writing-modes] fit-content equation is backwards from the CSS2.1 spec

[css3-writing-modes] height: fill-available's behavior is suboptimal

[css3-writing-modes] Proposal to unprefix writing mode keywords for width property

[css3-writing-modes] vertical orientation and UTR50

[css3] Suggestion: Selector variables or “synonyms”

[css4-background] background-position-x and background-position-y or logical directions

[css4-color] unclamped values for RGB

[css4-images] element() and compositing layers

[css4-images] element() and non-static children

[css4-images] purpose and use cases for the element() ?

[css4-images] specifying intrinsic size for images that haven't loaded yet

[css4-ui] Scrollbar tracking control

[cssom] Need to clarify handling of "priority" argument to CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty

[cssom] serialization order of components of shorthand properties

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-07-04

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2012-07-25

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Telecon 2012-07-11

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Telecon 2012-07-18

[fullscreen-css] clarification request for section 6, Rendering.

[media-queries] Issue with media-queries and embedded SVG

[ui] time to re-introduce the 'user-select' property to the spec?

a :time pseudo-class for media elements (and examples on how it would be useful and generic)

Agenda conf call 01-aug-2012

Agenda conf call 04-jul-2012

Agenda conf call 11-jul-2012

Agenda conf call 25-jul-2012

Agenda, conf call 18-jul-2012

CfC: publish FPWD of Fullscreen spec; deadline May 24

Cross-platform multiple line inline element text height inconsistencies

Define <br> by CSS means?

Fwd: [css3-flexbox] min-height + column + vertical writing mode

I18N-ISSUE-163: Flexbox specification needs examples using different writing modes [CSS3-flexbox]

I18N-ISSUE-164: Flexbox specifcation unclear on determination of flex item's baseline. [CSS3-flexbox]

Missing view-mode in css/current-work

Multiple baseline question

Percent heights for children of column-flow flexbox items yield counterintuitive results

Pretty Printer for SAC Parser

Property interactions and computed style

Proposal for isolation characters in Unicode and the unicode-bidi:isolate and unicode-bidi:plaintext definitions

Proposal on handling invalid media queries

Proposal: Minor 'text-transform' property revision

Sticky Positioning

WeasyPrint passes Acid2

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 July 2012 23:09:43 UTC