Re: [css3-animations] time sources, videos and storyboards

Yes, we could target and style: the element itself, its siblings; that's
already something useful.

Also, we might at some point want to have those elements enclosed inside
the video tag and not ignored by the browser. That would make sense for
subtitles, hyperlinks, images, anything that complement the video and are
in essence *part* of the video.

> Indeed, I think the :time() proposal would be something looking like what
> you included in your mail. However, I don’t think this proposal will go
> anywhere as it suffers from at least one big issue: you can’t target any
> element on the page based on a video timing, since that element needs to be
> “after” the targeted video in the CSS sense of the term for the selector to
> target it.
> Just to keep François' comment about targeting in perspective, that is
> true of a lot of things in CSS and it's not unlike things like :hover
> and :focus.  You would not be able to target "any" element, but you
> could target anything for which you could establish a normal selector
> relationship.  Add in future selectors like :has/id-ref and that would
> probably address a pretty nice set of use cases.

Received on Tuesday, 31 July 2012 22:15:13 UTC