Re: [css3-page] preferred height, containing blocks, counters, vertical-align, size, links

Le 12/06/2012 02:25, fantasai a écrit :
> On 12/09/2011 05:21 AM, Simon Sapin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Section 6.3.2. Margin Box Variable Dimension Computation Rules of
>> the current editor’s draft mentions the preferred minimum width
>> and preferred width.
>> It also says that the used values for left-* and right-* margin
>> boxes are established by the same rules, with (among others)
>> 'width' replaced by 'height'. Does that mean that these boxes
>> have a preferred minimum height and a preferred height? How and
>> where is that defined?
> Yes. The preferred minimum height and preferred height are
> equivalent, and they are the content height as computed for 'height:
> auto' blocks.

I turns out I had misread this the first time.

The point of intrinsic/preferred widths is that they only depend on the 
content, not on the containing block. The used height for 'auto' blocks 
however depends on the used width. To choose a width for the purpose of 
calculating intrinsic heights I see two alternatives: (still assuming 
horizontal writing-mode)

* For the preferred minimum height, used the preferred width. For the 
preferred height, use the preferred minimum width. This could work on 
any kind of box.

* In the particular case when the height is a Variable Dimension, the 
width is always a Fixed Dimension which results in a used width 
independent of the content. Use that width for both the preferred height 
and preferred minimum height. This only works on page-margin boxes.

Simon Sapin

Received on Sunday, 1 July 2012 18:57:17 UTC