from May 2011 by subject

(Amended) Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 11 May at 21:30Z for 90 Minutes

2 edits made to the HTML5 spec

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)

[Bug 10249] Canvas requires a content selection method

[Bug 10450] Allow lists to be used as menus or tab sets

[Bug 10455] Mint a describedby attribute for the img element

[Bug 10493] "ARIA restricts usage of this role to one per page" is an unclear statement

[Bug 10525] Please try to improve Bugzilla's accessibility/usability problems before Last Call

[Bug 10618] Use "unmapped" rather than "no role" in the weak/strong ARIA tables

[Bug 10919] Allow role="presentation" to override the default role of any element

[Bug 10941] <video> Media elements need control-independent "pause" for presenting lengthy descriptions/captions

[Bug 11239] Canvas support accessible caret tracking independent of Focus Ring tracking

[Bug 11447] Please document in the decision policy the procedure for reopening an issue

[Bug 11557] Authors should not be allowed to specify roles on elements that they already have by default

[Bug 11891] add role attribute to list of global attributes and add definition for it

[Bug 11892] explicitly state that ARIA states and properties are formal/normative HTML attributes

[Bug 11893] define lexical processing rules for ARIA attributes

[Bug 11956] restrict use of role=presentation

[Bug 12053] The current default ARIA role for the summary element in HTML5 is nonsensical

[Bug 12141] <video> Specifically state that all <track> options be exposed to the end user

[Bug 12214] Canvas fallback content implementation is underspecified

[Bug 12226] incorrect example in section 1.9.2 syntax errors

[Bug 12244] Warn when interactive/forms associated content appears inside role=childrenArePresentational elements

[Bug 12283] <video> No indication of parsing error

[Bug 12290] The user agent must allow the element to be focused, should allow the element to be reached using sequential focus navigation, and should place the element in the sequential focus navigation order so that it is:

[Bug 12306] "When authors use the canvas element, they must also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas." While everyone can probably agree that alternative content is a good idea when f

[Bug 12325] Conformance requirements for <table role=presentation> (layout tables)

[Bug 12363] Include @longdesc in Microdata

[Bug 12405] There's a problem with overlaying a sign-language video and using native controls, because the overlaid video overlaps the native controls

[Bug 12526] image verbiage

[Bug 12544] MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12562] ARIA role example used as a conformance error is not a conformance error in HTML5

[Bug 12587] AT shouldn't see img@alt="" and img@role=presentation as 100% synonyms

[Bug 12590] @role=presentation for IMG should also require that @title is empty

[Bug 12590] New: @role=presentation for IMG should also require that @title is empty

[Bug 12591] New: restrict img from taking @role=presentation whenever img provides link text

[Bug 12591] restrict img from taking @role=presentation whenever img provides link text

[Bug 12604] Provide accessibility API details for Change Proposal for ISSUE-131

[Bug 12708] @accesskey: Clarify what it needs in order to have effect

[Bug 12709] @accesskey: Require user agents to hide accesskeys on unfocusable elements

[Bug 12727] Contradicts HTML5

[Bug 12728] This is not the proper WG for this document

[Bug 12776] Define process for deciding whether a draft is REC-track or Note-track

[Bug 12794] [video] Add a non-normative note on how to provide text alternatives for media elements

[Bug 8800] Cut/copy/paste should use dedicated events instead of overloading drag and drop

[Bug 9215] Provide a Webcam example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

[Bug 9216] Provide a CAPTCHA example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

[media] alt technologies for paused video

[media] alt technologies for paused video (and using ARIA)

[media] issue-152: documents for further discussion

[media] Minutes from the media sub-group teleconference May 4, 2011

[media] Minutes of the May 11 Media Sub team teleconference

[media] Minutes of today's media subgroup meeting

[media] text alternatives for video

[media] what to do about "clean audio"

[text[ Minutes from May 9, 2011 teleconference

[text] [DRAFT] New info and clarification on figcaption

[text] Agenda: HTML-A11Y Text Sub-Group on 2 May at 15:30Z for 90 Minutes

[text] Agenda: HTML-A11Y Text Sub-Group, 16 May, 15:30Z, 90 min

[text] Agenda: HTML-A11Y Text Sub-Group, 23 May 2011, 15:30Z, 90 min

[text] Agenda: HTML-A11Y Text Sub-Group, 9 May, 15:30Z, 90 min

[text] Checking action items for text-alternatives sub-group

[text] minutes: Text Alternatives Sub-Group Teleconference 2011-05-02 [draft]

[text] No meeting of Text Sub-Group 30 May; Next meeting 6 June.

[text] Updated agenda: HTML-A11Y Text Sub-Group, 9 May, 15:30Z, 90 min

[text] updated draft of clarification on alt validation

[text] updated draft, 20110430, of clarification on alt validation

A11Y orthogonal to the HTML/XHTML Compatibility Authoring Guidelines?

Action item. definition and use of Clean audio in European television

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 11 May at 21:30Z for 90 Minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 18 May at 21:30Z for 90 Minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 25 May at 21:30Z for 90 Minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 4 May at 21:30Z for 90 Minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force on 12 May at 15:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force on 19 May at 15:00Z for 60 minutes

agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force, 05 May at 15:00Z

agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force, 26 May at 15:00Z

Agenda: May 10: HTML Accessibility Bug Triage Sub-Team

alt="" required for conformance on presentational images

ARIA Elements Support Markup [Was: Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam ...]

Authoring tool vendor feedback on <meta name=generator content=UA>

Call for consensus on longdesc change proposal

Concerns and unaddressed issues for the HTML 5 specifications

Consensus on longdesc change proposal

Feedback on MediaController

Fwd: Call for consensus on longdesc change proposal

Fwd: ISSUE-30 longdesc - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals

Fwd: Last Call decision poll

Fwd: Last Call timeline

HomePageReader (was RE: Moving longdesc forward: Recap, updates, consensus)

INVALID: "Please try to improve Bugzilla's accessibility/usability problems before Last Call"

Laura++ Re: Call for consensus on longdesc change proposal

longdesc (was Re: Minutes HTML A11Y TF 12 May 2011)

Longdesc change proposal update

Longdesc CP Comments [Was: Second Call ...]

longdesc verbiage

Minutes - [text] SubTeam teleconference call of May 16, 2011

Minutes from Text Subteam on 23 May

Minutes from the Media Subteam Teleconference on 18 May

Minutes HTML A11Y TF 12 May 2011

Minutes HTML A11Y TF 19 May 2011

Minutes HTML A11Y TF 26 May 2011

minutes: HTML Accessibility TF Telecon 2011-05-05 [draft]

Minutes: May 10: HTML Accessibility Bug Triage Sub-Team

Moving longdesc forward

Moving longdesc forward: Recap, updates, consensus

New @roles for media descriptions, etc. (was RE: Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 25 May at 21:30Z for 90 Minutes)

No bug-triage telcon today

no-title CP - remarks

Regrets for teleconference participation

Regrets for today's Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

Request to Reconsider ISSUE-30 Decision

Request to Reconsider ISSUE-80 Decision

Revised Decision Policy for discussion

Second Call for Consensus--Reconfirm Longdesc Decision

Slightly OT (was RE: Longdesc change proposal update)

SMPTE-TT press release

Track kinds

Update on expedited discussion [was: Re: Second Call for Consensus--Reconfirm Longdesc Decision]

Updated CP: require device independent access to @title

WAI_PFWG Agrees to Conditional Support for LC Publication

Web-based survey on longdesc

Weekly Resolved & Rejected Bugs Report

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 May 2011 20:44:35 UTC