Re: Moving longdesc forward

Geoff Freed, Wed, 4 May 2011 08:28:23 -0400:

>> May be, w.r.t. 'structured host language', we could learn from the @src
>> definition and say that longdesc resources should be located inside
>> 'HTML and XML files with <html> as root element'.
> ===
> GF:
> I’d be hesitant to put this restriction place because in some cases 
> it imposes an extra step on the user.  For example, if I want to use 
> a plain-text document, or an accessible PDF, to deliver my longdesc, 
> are you saying that I must first lead users to a structured document 
> from which they select a link that *then* leads to the 
> plain-text/PDF longdesc?

Would you agree with me if we made it a SHOULD?

To answer your question: Yes you would. OR you could paste the content 
into HTML file and serve it as longdesc document. Or the longdesc 
document could include a link to the PDF file, with an explanation 
saying "See this link to PDF document with description, but note that 
only first 3 pages are relevant."

Can we make it a MUST still?
Leif H Silli

Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2011 12:45:37 UTC