w3c-wai-ig@w3.org from April to June 1999 by subject

(HTML Version of) Digital Economy Paper is Up

(slightly off-topic again) : Amaya Browser

(slightly off-topic) : WebSpeak Browser

404 error messages


[Fwd: [webwatch] Re: Accessibility for Popcomm Website]

[Fwd: [webwatch] Re: How do I answer this???]

[Fwd: A Forwarded Request]

[Fwd: CHANGE: HTML-on-the-WEB Discussion List]

[Fwd: Events Alert]

[Fwd: NEW: ad-infinitum-web@egroups.com]

[Fwd: NEW: All About Web Design!(tm)]

[Fwd: Re: everybody wins!]

[w3c-wai-ig] <none>

[Web405] Exemplary Web Sites?

A better story, at CNet

A Call for Accessible Design input

A fair article for a change!

abbr and acronym tags

access and other tools usage guidelines?

Access Keys for Accessibility

Access Keys for Accessibility. Uh oh!!!!

accessibility article -- comments welcome

accessibility for non readers

Accessibility is hard! Let's go shopping! (was: Debunking the need for "text-only" parallel sites)

Accessibility is hard! Let's perform brain surgery!

Accessibility of eBay

Accessible chat

Accessible Learning

accessible listserves

Accessible Sidebar

Acrobat 4.0 And PDF Accessibility

Adapting Material For Varying Reading Levels

Adobe Magazine article

Advance Notice: HWG Opens Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education Center!

Advance Notice: Jakob Nielsen's AlertBox

AlertBox: The death of single-design pages?

Alt tags, Sundaes & QED & Marshall McLuhan

Alternate content for invisible images

Alternate text channel vs. single one with universal design [subject renamed]

and my response:Re: [webwatch] Re: How do I answer this???

Announcing Emacspeak-10.0 (WonderDog)

applications on the web

Are we there yet on 10.3 word wrapped columns of text?

are we there yet?

Asking for too much?

ATM Access

AusWeb99 Delegate Vacancies & AusWeb Roadshows (fwd)

Authoring & Dumb Question about Recent Email

Avoiding Cultural Influences

AWARE BULLETIN: 5/18 HandiTalk Internet Radio Show Available

AWARE BULLETIN: AWT Lab [Fullerton, CA] Grand Opening June 8

AWARE BULLETIN: AWTLab Opening June 8, Fullerton CA

AWARE BULLETIN: Temporary downtime this weekend

AWARE Center Common Myths About Web Accessibility

AWARE Center Media Coverage Archive

AWARE Center Stylesheet Script

Bad platforms

Belated Regrets.

Big Fonts, Bright Text: friend or foe?

Blind Games

Bobby 3.1 Released


Browser Suggestions

Builder.Com article on HWG AWARE site


Case Law and Accessiblity of the Web and Web Products

CAST Announces release of Bobby 3.1.1

CHANGED URL: deGRADE version 0.5aware

Civil Rights Letter re Long Beach

cognitive understanding

Comprehensive list of web browsers

Conference alert:

continuing:[Fwd: [webwatch] Re: How do I answer this???]

Correction posted [was: Wired story about 508 Compliance]

correction re: GL meeting time to discuss QED thread and other issues (was Re: tired of this thread)

Debunking the need for "text only" parallel sites

Debunking the need for "text-only" parallel sites

Define Accessibility!

Define Disability FIRST

DefineDisability FIRST

Digital Economy Paper

Digital Economy Paper is Up

disabilities and web cams?

DRAFT: Designing Pages Accessible to Limited Textual Comprehension Users

DRAFT: Now with URL included!

Dumb Question about Recent Email


European Grants/ EuroFunding : Information Service on 254 European Funding Sources / with 61 INFOSHEETS on the 5th FrameWork Programme RD + Free: 10 Operationnal Infosheets

Events Calendar -- submissions needed

Examples of Meaningful Graphics

Feuilles de vines

FIXED: AWARE Center Stylesheet Script

Flowers and flower-power.

Focusing on Frames

Forms - submit versus image

Free Conference on Accessible Web

free tool lets you synchronize video, audio, still images, *TEXT*

Fwd: FYI: Killer Usability Resource! The HCI Bibliography

FWD: HWG Online Course in Accessible Web Authoring

Fwd: Re: [Web405] Exemplary Web Sites?



Get Paid to surf the web!

Getting chatty

Globe article on Web Accessibility

Good article on Accessibility

Good article on Accessiblity

Grammar Checking

graphical email

Graphical links

graphics and acces to information

GUIs for non readers

Highly Graphical Whiz-Bang Bells-and-Whistles Accessible Sites

How can we make Microsoft Publisher Accessible on the Web

How is requiring browser X in violation of the WCAG?

How to Write a Simple Form for submission by e-mail

HWG pages member registration form not labeled properly

I just can't resist

I've got a web problem

Idle Thought: Accessibility of my PsPC HTML Editor

IE 5

illiteracy & cognitive disability

International Companies Announce Support for the Open eBook Standard

Internet banking accessibility

Interview with Vinton Cerf on Disability Access

invisible spacer images and ALT text for them

Invitation to join Resna

Jakob Nielsen: "Top Ten Mistakes" Revisited Three Years Later

Javascripted "back" button (was Re: 404 error messages)

Job Opening in Assistive Technologies

LD guidelines

Link Colors (more usability than accessibility)

Live webcast

Lynx compatible free email service

Mac Assistive Tech Software for Web Access

MEDIA: AWARE Center director [and Judy!] on HandiTalk Internet Radio Show

MediaWatch: AListApart.com Accessibility Article

MediaWatch: ComputerWorld article on Bobby...

MediaWatch: San Francisco Chronicle

Molyneux' Cube

More coverage of federal accessibility requirements

More on Usability & the Bottom-Line

Mr. Chips, Bob, UA, AI, and alternative UI's

Netomat and Non-Textual Users

New Trend: Voice-Enabled Web Sites

New User Agent Guidelines Draft on /TR Page

News Article

News Release: W3C Issues Web Content Accessibility Guidelines as a Recommendation

News Watch: MSNBC Article on Web Accessibility

NewsWatch: Charles in the news!

NewsWatch: MSNBC: Internet offers freedom to disabled, cr eates equal opportunities, access

NewsWatch: MSNBC: Internet offers freedom to disabled, creates equal opportunities, access

notes on digital economy paper

of mice and men, aka a European mirror?

One site fits all?

opinions sought about RTF

Other Advantages of Accessible Web Design Practices

Pictorial Guidelines [was Re: Bricks

Pictorial Languages

Please get me off this list

pleased to announce

press release released

PRESS RELEASE: HTML Writers Guild Opens Web Accessibility Center

problem solved


proclaiming![Fwd: NEW: Any-Browser]


QED & Marshall McLuhan

QED & Marshall McLuhan & Brown v. Board of Education

QED & Marshall McLuhan & the cash-strapped Packers

QED & Marshall McLuhan 4 points regarding 'a simple issue'

QED: Pictorial Languages



Recommended reading --WWW site design

Reminder, WAI Meetings in Toronto May 15 & 16

Remove me from your mailing lists

Request for Assitance

request from a colleague

Self Voicing Browsers

Selfish Reasons for Web Accessibility

Seniors and web design: Microsoft White Paper (fwd)

Ship of Fools

simple & understandable

Simple Soap?

Siteanalyzer report: Gilbert Center analysis of disability site accessibility

Some possible opposition to web access standards

special announcement

Squirrels, qed & McM

Suggestions for Forms?

Sundaes & QED & Marshall McLuhan


tables and css

Texas Supreme Court Ruling

text streaming

text streaming -Reply



The LA Times, QED & Marshall McLuhan

the solution by popular request

tired of this thread

tired of this thread - Work to do

Titles for <ABBR> & <ACRONYM>

Titles for <ABBR> & <ACRONYM> - X-posted

TOOL: Alpha version of The Greeker

Tools to convert MathML to Nemith Braille

TTY v.90 Modems?

Two positions open at Web Accessibility Initiative

Two Web Accessibility Camps

UA guidelines and robots


Understanding vs. Accessibility

URL CORRECTION: Netomat and Non-Textual Users


US Digital Economy Conference & Paper

Using LINK to create consistent navigation icons

Vector graphics

W3C CSS Validator

W3C for Non-Readers

W3C Validator as test for WCAG?

WAI IG CALL FOR REVIEW: "Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines" Working Draft

WAI IG CALL FOR REVIEW: Authoring Tool Guidelines Working Draft



WAI meetings in sophia

WAI Meetings in Sophia-Antipolis, France, July 19 & 20, 1999

WAI Meetings May 15 & 16 Following WWW8 in Toronto

wave file as alt tag?

Web Accessibility Debate on Slashdot

web building tool

web pages for non readers some thoughts





Welcome to Toronto

Wired story about 508 Compliance

Word on t Web?

WOW, Accessibility!

www accessibility for non-readers 2


Yale C/AIM Web Style Guide

Yet another accessibility article

ZDNet News Story on Accessible Web Authoring

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 1999 18:59:05 UTC