Re: QED & Marshall McLuhan

At 03:22 AM 6/14/99 -0400, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

>If we issued guidelines that said when discussing the Packers you need an
>image of a football, a cheesehead and a field, then we would be overly
>restrrictive about what we are doing. But those things are appropriate

But are they *necessary*?  

We seem to be crossing a line here from saying "use appropirate <foo>" to 
"we have decided that appropriate means <bar>".  

> But just as words can help
>someone who cannot see make some sense of a picasso or the construction of a
>jet engine, images and sounds can enable someone who cannot read to make
>sense of formal symbolisms

While it might be nice that that person could make sense of formal
symbolisms after seeing them in pictures -- if they can never *use* those
symbolisms for their intended purposes specifically because they can't read
-- why should we mandate or even "guide" a web author to accomodate that? 

note to the quick to react: this should not be ill-equated to an assumption
that I think blind people shouldn't have access to ALT text --
intelligently appreciating a description of an artistic work is still using
the work. Someone who can't read might "enjoy" the visual representation of
a formal symbolism, but that's not the symbolisms purpose, as is the visual
enjoyment of an artistic work. 


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Received on Monday, 14 June 1999 10:10:38 UTC