Ship of Fools

Chips with everything:
Earlier in the thread there was discussion of someone with LD not being
expected to pilot a jumbo.
It happens that on friday, a group went with me to a bash given in the
'Launch Pad' section of our London's Science Museum.
Afterwards we visited the 'Flight Gallery', we all tried a 1991
simulator called R/C Aerochopper.

Naturally everyone including me crashed theirs within a matter of a few
seconds, however as you will by now have gathered One student, NOT a
computer games buff to my knowledge had a natural talent.
He could land it, turn it, and fly it to his and our satisfaction.
Of all the people I know, one pilot perhaps apart, I would trust my life
to him, if thrust in a helicopter at altitude with a person of choice.

He has been with me to quite a few computer trade shows and this was
never apparent until now.
This is an extreme and well trod (if true) tale.
It does I hope help explain the need to have a very open mind about
individual talents.

And the need to enable access for all.


Part of a leaflet is at
It is not an ideal, but part of a copyright document, published by my
employers, and reproduced here WITHOUT permission for academic
use.Please do NOT forward it in any media.
Due to the paucity of materials and the many requests I felt it might be
helpful, as a start. 

It did not require any special skills, just the
care to identify salient points and include them, whilst excluding a
lot. Others are very lengthy, though of a similiar nature.

I do not advocate this particular approach. 
However it does help identify how little can be helpful.

Received on Sunday, 20 June 1999 13:56:58 UTC