DRAFT: Now with URL included!

You are welcome to peruse the first draft of a page on the AWARE
Center site, entitled "Designing Pages Accessible to Limited
Textual Comprehension User".

This is still a rough document, but I've tried to incorporate some
of the suggestions made on this list, in the form of advice to
web authors.  I likely am missing several important strategies for
increasing the understandability of a web page, and if you'd be
kind enough to share them with me (via this list or private email
to kynn@hwg.org or aware@hwg.org), I can include them in a later
draft of this document.

Constructive criticism and comments are welcome.  Thanks.

Kynn Bartlett                                    mailto:kynn@hwg.org
President, HTML Writers Guild                    http://www.hwg.org/
AWARE Center Director                          http://aware.hwg.org/

Received on Sunday, 13 June 1999 16:20:04 UTC