of mice and men, aka a European mirror?

Following our telephone conversation I tried to do some reading & research
at the w3c site. 8.45 am GST. Sunday. I particularly wanted to look at the
Guidelines, and its  threads.

A few points.

For quite a number of  tries www.w3.org  was reported fnf.

When I eventually got there, none of the links were available (fnf).

A link to the pages with the webmaster's interests took 2 minutes to load.

I did try another ISP with identical results.

After 45 minutes I have given up, for the present.
FYI www.whatisthematrix.com loaded instantly.
www.media.mit.edu   was also responsive.

Do we need a European mirror?

Sorry if I seem to be carping.
I have to plan my wading sessions, and this was one I missed.


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Received on Sunday, 27 June 1999 04:35:32 UTC