Re: How is requiring browser X in violation of the WCAG?

To produce web content which requires a particular browser (does  not
transform gracefully across platforms) is a violation of one of the basic
principles of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

It sounds like particular violations in this case include checkpoints 6.3 and
11.4 (both priority 1, and 11.4 is the "at last resort" checkpoint), and
probably a number of others.

The rest of the problem is a one which, in Australia I would take up as a
discrimination complaint - and the letter posted about such a complaint under
US law would be a beter guide to the situation that my own knowledge
(although professional advice would of course be better again, and is
strongly encouraged).

I hope the answers given have helped.


On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Bruce Bailey wrote:

  I may have really stepped into this time.  I hoping you all can help me

Received on Friday, 4 June 1999 15:39:54 UTC