Re: [Fwd: A Forwarded Request]

At 11:03 AM 6/3/1999 , David Poehlman wrote:
>I thought it might be good for someone here to pick up on this?

I got the same request through different channels -- as someone
who believes that most "anti-web-accessibility" sentiment is
due to either ignorance or someone simply being a jerk, it was
hard for me to recommend someone who would argue persuasively
that web accessibility is a bad thing.  (Asking me this is sorta
like asking your local catholic priest for someone who'll argue
convincingly that you shouldn't go to church.)

What I ended up doing was recommending that he get in touch with
CNet/ and ZDnet -- both have recently run articles
stating how important web accessibility is (and in ZDnet's case,
using Bobby to test their sites) but since those articles, they
have not made any changes to their own sites.  Dan Shafer
specifically points this out in his article on the AWARE Center.

So I suggested that he contact the web designers of those sites
and ask them "if you've written that web accessibility is
important and that your web site has 122 obstacles for access
by disabled users (as the ZDnet site does, according to their
own article), why haven't you made your site accessible?"

Kynn Bartlett <>
President, Governing Board Member
HTML Writers Guild <URL:>
Director, Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education Center

Received on Thursday, 3 June 1999 15:29:32 UTC