Re: Sundaes & QED & Marshall McLuhan

At 11:49 AM 6/11/1999 , Chris Maden wrote:
>Charles did a pretty good job of simplifying the
>discussion, but at the cost of omitting key terms that are necessary
>for communicating about the concept outside the scope of that
>particular discourse.

By the way, I would say, as a fully cognitive, fully "able
bodied" (although admittedly an out of shape body at that!)
person, I found the paragraph by Ann to be 100% "accessible"
in the sense we are using here, but not very "understandable."

But that's okay -- because I haven't looked at XML specs myself
and figured out what they mean.  My own lack of understanding
does not render Ann's content "inaccessible" any more than if
she said it in French.

Accessibility is about _getting at_ the content, not _understanding_
it.  Anything else will hopelessly confuse the issue.

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Friday, 11 June 1999 15:07:20 UTC