graphics and acces to information

One of our students used to ask most of the staff, three or four times a day
what session he was doing that morning/afternoon.
You will imagine this becomes a little tiresome.

After we became photo/clipart literate we pasted a weekly diary of his
activities outside the office on the wall. He has only once asked what he is
doing since, and is now confident where he can access this information.

This work has been going on for many years but having photo quality printers
and clip art libraries onsite, has dramatically changed our ability to
respond to need.

We naturally hope that all students will develop their ability to access and
share information (on computers and the www).

Our site is a drive thru.
When you see a link of interest, click on it.
Move the mouse to slow down.
It is a graphical aid to browsing the www.
We value your comments.

Received on Thursday, 10 June 1999 13:34:41 UTC