Re: Understanding vs. Accessibility

At 09:28 AM 6/12/1999 -0700, Kynn Bartlett wrote:
>For those of you playing along at home -- I routinely bow out of
>theoretical discussions whenever the "other side" starts accusing
>me of discrimination, bigotry, cruelty, and other such nastiness.

I'm rather inclined to call a spade a spade. Prejudice doesn't go away by
pretending it isn't noticed, it gets worse. While you insist that
accessibility as you need it for yourself, is a good thing and call it
"good web design", you dismiss the needs of others as "dumbing down" and
say it doesn't deserve consideration as part of "good web design". Your
concept of "good web design" is flawed, and your attitude towards those who
need graphics is insulting at the very least. You are clearly choosing
which groups of disabled are to be accommodated and have excluded some
people solely based on your perception of their disability as less
deserving than yours. If you have another reason for your disccrimination,
you haven't made it clear to me. Your strawman of the "definition of
accessibility" was examined and found flawed since accessibility clearly
includes understanding. 

Anne L. Pemberton
Enabling Support Foundation

Received on Sunday, 13 June 1999 09:55:20 UTC