- From: Joe Roeder <Jroeder@nib.org>
- Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 14:32:30 -0400
- To: "'wai list'" <w3c-wai-ig@w3.org>
I have followed this thread with interest and while I have nothing to add regarding the accessibility of content, I have a couple of thoughts about increasing web accessibility for the graphically oriented. I do not pretend to understand all the levels of LD and leave it to others to evaluate the merits of these ideas. One of the reasons that we who are blind had trouble with the web is that so many of the navigational landmarks were graphical. This problem was solved by pointing out the importance of the ALT TEXT attribute at navigational landmarks to tell us where we are or where this link would take us. Some who cannot see an image may still have an interest in having it described (that is, getting at the content of the image) but for most of us it is the purpose or function of the image as a navigational landmark that guides us. I think it was Anne who mentioned that her son could not type in a web address and it seems to me that this is a mirror image of the same problem. In other words, folks who cannot follow text need graphical landmarks for navigation. This is exactly why there are international signs on highways and buildings. Someone from Japan does not need to read english to recognize the knife and fork symbol for a restaurant. Web browsers pick up the page title and put it on the title bar and use it to label a bookmark. Why could there not be a title icon (like that football helmet) that the browsers use in the same way? Would that not help anyone that has trouble writing a page address to navigate? The only problem I can think of is the extra cost in processing time and drive space, but this could be a feature that the user could turn off if they do not want it. Thinking about those highway signs, should there be a set of standard navigation icons for the internet that everyone agrees with and that the WAI encourages in the guidelines? Just some food for thought. Joe Roeder Access Technology Specialist National Industries for the Blind
Received on Friday, 11 June 1999 14:32:56 UTC