abbr and acronym tags

I need some education and was hoping that someone on this list could help.

While reading the html guidelines at some point in the past, I learned
about the tags abbr and acronym and began to incorporate them for reasons
of accessibility. When using Bobby, there is always a standard suggestion
to use the codes, and the following is the examples given.

<ABBR title="Idaho">ID</ABBR>
<ACRONYM title="World Wide Web">WWW</ACRONYM>

At some point a speech user told me how the use of title= on web pages made
it so much easier for him to surf and understand. Unfortunately, all I
remember is he was not using JAWS. 

When speaking to groups, individuals and clients I need to be able to
explain who uses the title and how it works and why it should be included
in html coding. I would appreciate it if  anyone can answer this for me or
point me to a place or list who can.


Nancy Massey

Received on Wednesday, 5 May 1999 17:25:27 UTC