Debunking the need for "text-only" parallel sites

I very much appreciate that the "WCAG 1.0" Fact Sheet
( goes so far at to say:

> Text-only pages should not be necessary to ensure accessibility of Web
pages that follow the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines," except in
very rare cases. In fact, text-only pages are frequently counterproductive
to accessibility since they tend to be kept less up-to-date than "primary
pages," or in some cases leave out information that is on primary pages. 
> Many sites that have made a commitment to accessibility in the past have
used text-only pages as a solution; however, by following these guidelines
it should be unnecessary in almost all cases, or even inadvisable, to set
up and maintain a separate set of text-only pages. 

I agree with all of the above.  I accept it as true.  Now, how do I prove
it to others who would advocate for text-only pages?  Can anyone point to
me to URLs that present evidence that "text-only" pages are usually NOT in
parallel with the default version?  Is there any published research that
the "text-only" approach, while perhaps having noble intent, is

We had an interested thread here not long ago (starting with where
the case was made that "text-only" did not mean accessible anyway!  Is this
a consensus position that is documented any where?

Thank you very much. 

Bruce Bailey, DORS Webmaster

Received on Thursday, 20 May 1999 17:26:13 UTC