Access Keys for Accessibility

"Which browsers support ACCESSKEY currently? "
 >>>I do not know.  I was just going by Bobby's suggestion of doing this.
I, too, would like to know which one's do and do not.  It may not even be
feasible  to use accesskeys  at this time, but wait for alter time when more
browsers do.  Though I guess I feel if I can start now at least the people
who use keyboarding rather than a mouse will be able to move around my site
more comfortably.

"Personally I believe sticking to numbering them would be more appropriate."
>>>So, I can start with accesskey="1" and go all the way to accesskey="99"
or even higher?  I'm not sure this would work???

"At least in Internet Explorer, it turns out that you can use all the letter
keys for ACCESSKEY choices.   For example, if you have set an
ACCESSKEY="f", to activate it you must press and hold the alt-key then
press the f-key.  However, to activate the application/Windows "File" menu
you can press and release the alt-key then press the f-key.  IE assumes
that simultaneous contact means "do the ACCESSKEY" while sequential contact
means "do the application menu".
>>>Thank you, I knew about these  but stopped using them because someone did
tell me that it would cause other applications to pop up rather than the
page I intended.

So, I can use all 26 letters, plus numbers.   Are caps (A, B, C,
etc.)considered a different accesskey?  Does anyone know? Or would it still
bring up the same page if you used the lower case with a certain page?  Can
one use double letters?  (i.e. ACCESSKEY="aa",  ACCESSKEY="bb")

I  hope I am not running this to the ground, I really do want to know.


Received on Saturday, 8 May 1999 22:28:40 UTC