[css-align] 2 issues / comments on the specification
[css-align] Baseline Alignment
[css-align] Combining 'stretch' with 'true'/'safe'
[css-align] Computed value when using "auto"
[css-align] Editorial: the 'stretch' definition moved, but the section titles weren't updated accordingly
[css-align] Issues with <overflow-position>
[css-align] Meaning of the "legacy" keyword.
[css-align] Some issues for align-self
[css-align] Stretchable block-level and abspos boxes
[css-align][css-grid] IE's interpretation of stretch?
[css-animations] findRule/deleteRule key argument
[css-animations] More ambiguity questions with the animation shorthand
[css-animations][css-values] More ambiguity questions with the animation shorthand
[css-backgrounds] Allow multiple border images
[css-backgrounds] Allow to have a border style in combination with a border image
[css-backgrounds][css-om] Move color to the beginning of <final-bg-layer> on serialization
[css-box-3] Rename module
[css-display] Editorial: 'display-list' lacks description
[css-flexbox] "used flex basis of 'auto'" needs s/auto/content/
[css-flexbox] flex-shrink being handled differently in different browsers
[css-flexbox] min-height/min-width auto in spec or not?
[css-font-loading] FontFaceSet.ready value and uniqueness
[css-fonts] font prefetch hints
[css-fonts] Issues with font matching algorithm when weights are missing
[css-fonts] Need inline character level text transforms
[css-grid] 'grid-auto-flow: stack' and items with span > 1
[css-grid] Absolutely positioned grid items
[css-grid] Absolutely positioned items and static position
[css-grid] Content-size tracks and orthogonal flows
[css-grid] Does <custom-ident> in grid-template-rows/grid-template-columns exclude auto/minmax/subgrid?
[css-grid] Doubts on worthiness of grid-auto-flow:stack
[css-grid] Editioral: Move "Z-axis Ordering" section under "Grid Items"
[css-grid] Editorial: Complete ::first-line and ::first-letter restriction
[css-grid] Editorial: rename the Grid Layout Algorithm section
[css-grid] Extra space distribution algorithm (clarification request)
[css-grid] feedback
[css-grid] Flexible Track Sizing & Indefinite Avail Size
[css-grid] Interactions between min/max-content and min/max-width
[css-grid] Margins and Auto-sized cells
[css-grid] Overlapping elements & backgrounds
[css-grid] Sizing of grid item elements
[css-grid] Sizing of grid items
[css-grid] subgrid vs abspos
[css-grid] Typos in section 6.2.1 (Auto Placement Algorithm)
[css-grid] Undefined named lines placement
[css-inline] closing up the first line
[css-inline] CSS Line Layout Module FPWD Published
[css-inline] feedback on initial-letter
[css-inline] Floats and Initial Letters
[css-inline] The TOC doesn't mention 'initial-letter-align'
[css-logical-props] do shorthands have logical component longhands?
[css-logical-props] logical properties in the 'all' shorthand
[css-logical-props] logical property values on computed style objects
[css-masking] Editorial nit in abstract
[css-multicol] Proposal: return "number" of column in :before/:after (list-item/list-style-type for column)
[css-overflow] computed value of overflow-x -y
[css-pseudo] First formatted line doubt (::first-line and ::first-letter)
[css-ruby] About default style sheet
[css-ruby] About side of additional leading
[css-ruby] Autohiding and out-of-flow elements
[css-ruby] Default font-size of ruby annotation with ruby-position: inter-character
[css-ruby] ruby-position on 2 line subtitles/captions
[css-ruby] What does it mean for "ruby-position: inter-character" to force writing-mode to be vertical?
- Daniel Holbert (Tuesday, 16 December)
- Koji Ishii (Tuesday, 16 December)
- Daniel Holbert (Monday, 15 December)
- Glenn Adams (Monday, 15 December)
- Daniel Holbert (Monday, 15 December)
- Bobby Tung (Monday, 15 December)
- Koji Ishii (Monday, 15 December)
- Xidorn Quan (Monday, 15 December)
- Bobby Tung (Monday, 15 December)
- Koji Ishii (Monday, 15 December)
- Koji Ishii (Monday, 15 December)
- Bobby Tung (Sunday, 14 December)
- Bobby Tung (Sunday, 14 December)
- Jonathan Kew (Sunday, 14 December)
- Glenn Adams (Sunday, 14 December)
- Koji Ishii (Sunday, 14 December)
- Jonathan Kew (Wednesday, 10 December)
- Daniel Holbert (Wednesday, 10 December)
[css-ruby] wording of line spacing rules
[css-scoping] should `::content` match both <content> and <shadow> insertion points?
[css-scoping] unicode-bidi in Shadow DOM, and possibly other properties?
[css-scoping] What is the specificity of :host, :host(), and :host-context()?
[css-sizing] Intrinsic sizing on parent, extrinsic sizing on child
[css-speech][css-content][mediaqueries] Making Generated Content Accessible
- James Craig (Tuesday, 16 December)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 4 December)
- Reece Dunn (Thursday, 4 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Thursday, 4 December)
- James Craig (Thursday, 4 December)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 4 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Thursday, 4 December)
- James Craig (Thursday, 4 December)
- James Craig (Thursday, 4 December)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Wednesday, 3 December)
- Reece Dunn (Wednesday, 3 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Wednesday, 3 December)
- Daniel Weck (Wednesday, 3 December)
- James Craig (Wednesday, 3 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Tuesday, 2 December)
- James Craig (Tuesday, 2 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Tuesday, 2 December)
[css-text] Enhanced underline options
[css-transforms] Publish new WD?
[css-transforms] Should transform-style: preserve-3d create containing block for positioned descendants?
[css-transitions] Feature request: transion-out
[css-transitions] Formal definition of canceling and interrupting
[css-transitions] transition-delay and reversing
[css-ui] icon value of the content property and icon property
[css-ui] text-overflow in overflow:visible blocks
[css-ui] text-overflow: ellipsis and user agent tooltips
[css-ui][selectors] Deferring definitions of pseudo classes to selectors 4
[css-writing-modes] Margin Collapsing Orthogonal Flows
[css-writing-modes][css-scoping] unicode-bidi in Shadow DOM, and possibly other properties?
[css-writing-modes][CSS21] propagation of 'direction' from <body> (was Re: [CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-07-09)
[css-writing-modes][CSS21][css3-ui] defining 'cursor: auto' properly (Issue 48)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Sunday, 14 December)
- Brad Kemper (Sunday, 14 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Friday, 12 December)
- Koji Ishii (Tuesday, 2 December)
- Chris Lilley (Monday, 1 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Monday, 1 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Monday, 1 December)
- Chris Lilley (Monday, 1 December)
- Koji Ishii (Monday, 1 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Monday, 1 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Monday, 1 December)
- Koji Ishii (Monday, 1 December)
- Koji Ishii (Monday, 1 December)
- Florian Rivoal (Monday, 1 December)
- Koji Ishii (Monday, 1 December)
[css2] Fixed table layout: width distribution between non-auto columns
[css3-background] Corner clipping for images and gradients
[css3-ui] Applying pending edits
[css3-ui] Behaviour of resize (Issue 47, 53)
[css3-ui] bringing back 'user-select' (issue 50)
[css3-ui] discourage invisible outlines on focused elements (issue 43)
[css3-ui] dropping nav-index (issue 25)
[css3-ui] interoperability of outline:invert (Issue 42)
[css3-ui] Linking from issues to emails was Re: [css3-ui] interoperability of outline:invert (Issue 42)
[css3-ui] Outline interoperability
[css3-ui] outline property doesn't define which box to use
[css3-ui] overflow-text and scrolling (Issue 59, related to issue 24)
[css3-ui] reconsidering ime-mode (Issue 40, and 35 39)
[css3-ui] rounded corner outlines
[css3-ui] using <image> instead of <uri> in cursor (Issue 44)
[css3-ui] what to do if outline-offset is sufficiently negative (issue 38)
[css4-ui] caret-color
[cssom-view] Display of 'scroll-behavior' in spec not correct
[cssom-view][css3-animations] Sync events with requestAnimationFrame
[cssom] Add examples for CSS declaration block serialization
[cssom] How should inline style be handled when getComputedStyle is called cross-document
[cssom] What should happen with getComputedStyle on a node in another document when used values are involved?
[csswg] Agenda conf call 03-dec-2014
[csswg] Agenda conf call 10-dec-2014
[csswg] Agenda conf call 17-dec-2014
[CSSWG] Minutes Santa Clara F2F 2014-10-27 Part I: CSS3 UI, ::selection and Pseudo-Elements issues
[CSSWG] Minutes Santa Clara F2F 2014-10-27 Part II: Animations, Media Queries
[CSSWG] Minutes Santa Clara F2F 2014-10-27 Part III: Shrink-to-fit, Sizing
[CSSWG] Minutes Santa Clara F2F 2014-10-27 Part IV: Grid, Test Suites
[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-12-03
[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-12-10
[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-12-17
[CSSWG][css-align] Updated WD of CSS Box Alignment Level 3
[mediaqueries4]Differentiating touchscreen+mouse from touchscreen only scenarios
[selectors] applying pseudo classes to the label based on the labeled control
[selectors] Bug: two copies of :required and :optional in overview
[selectors] Clarification on :lang() with asterisks
[selectors] Formatting bug in 8.2 :visited privacy note
[selectors] Improving the definition of language range in :lang()
[selectors] New pseudo-element ::inner-wrapper & ::outer-wrapper (feature)
[selectors] Proposal :enter and :leave
[selectors] Time-dimensional pseudo-classes and multiple timelines?
[specs] Discrepancies in spec explanations
[WhatTF bikeshed] Was: Introducing WhatTF
A more detailed introduction to the proposal for overlay rendering boxes
ability to use background-color in any background layer
Add selector for the source of contextual menu
clip-path: basic shapes and borders
consider adding :focusable or :can-focus
Constrain width & height option
Datalist suggestion
Empty button baseline difference in IE/Firefox and WebKit browsers
First formatted line doubt (::first-line and ::first-letter)
flex-box and effect of position:relative on child elements?
Flexbox Tab Order for Keyboard Users Proposal
Flexbox Tab-Index Recommendation
IMSC1 is a W3C Candidate Recommendation: Call for Implementation
Introducing WhatTF
- Antony Kennedy (Monday, 8 December)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 8 December)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Monday, 8 December)
- Simon Fraser (Monday, 8 December)
- Chris Lilley (Monday, 8 December)
- Chris Lilley (Monday, 8 December)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 8 December)
- Rossen Atanassov (Monday, 8 December)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 8 December)
- Rossen Atanassov (Monday, 8 December)
Option so line-height only affects height between lines
propagating 'direction' and 'writing-mode' from the <body> element to the root <html> element
Proposal for a new type of rendering box: overlay
Proposal for image placeholder
size property as a shorthand for width/height
Suggestion: Alternate Style Tags (http://www.idpf.org/epub/altss-tags/)
UNS: [Moderator Action] [css-pseudo] allowed values for CSS alt
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 December 2014 09:11:11 UTC