Re: [css-writing-modes] Margin Collapsing Orthogonal Flows

fantasai <> wrote on 2014/12/20 9:32:11
> Gérard has been testing Writing Modes and found an interesting
> discrepency between Webkit/Blink and Gecko:
> <horizontal-tb>
>    <vertical-lr>
>      <p>I have margins</p>
>    </vertical-lr>
> </horizontal-tb>
> In Firefox, the left and right margins of the <p> collapse out
> through the content edge of <vertical-lr>.
> In Webkit, they are contained by <vertical-lr>'s content box.
> I am wondering what is the preferred behavior in such a case:
> should these margins collapse?

No, there is no reason to collapse the margins out inside the orthogonal flows.
The result of firefox seems wrong.

Gérard Talbot <> wrote on 2014/12/20 10:16:41
> Reduced test:
> No presence of orange square in Firefox 37.0a1 build 20141215.
> Computed width of div in Firefox 37.0a1: 100px
> Presence of orange square in IE11 (I don't know its minor version) and Chrome 39.0.2171.95.
> Computed width of div in Chrome 39: 200px

Antenna House Formatter[1]'s result is same as IE11 and Chrome.


Shinyu Murakami

Received on Sunday, 21 December 2014 10:39:00 UTC