Re: [selectors] Improving the definition of language range in :lang()

On 12/10/2014 08:41 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> As it stands, you can still write *-1996 in :lang() by escaping the
> dash, like `:lang(*\-1996)` - that turns it into an asterisk followed
> by an identifier.  This, of course, isn't great.  I think we assumed
> that language tags weren't ever composed of just numbers.  We should
> probably allow a string in :lang() as well, for when tokenization
> doesn't work well for the given language tag.

To the extent that we allow escaped asterisks here, you can also
handle this issue via :lang(\*-1996), since that will also parse
as an identifier.


Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2014 17:28:44 UTC