Re: [css-inline] feedback on initial-letter

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:
> 1) "[TK] Reference points on the drop cap must align precisely"
> What's [TK]?

That was my editing error, now fixed. TK is publishing shorthand for
"to come," put in as a reminder for me to rework that sentence. I just
forgot to take it out.

> 3) The grammar of the initial-letter property says: "Value: normal | [<integer> <number>?]"
> the prose after it says:
> "<number>: This first argument [...]
>  <integer>: This optional second argument [...]"
> There's a mix up here between number and integer. Looks like the prose is right and the grammar is swapped.

Fixed. Thanks for catching this!

> 5) Not completely sure what this means: "[...] and hanging-punctuation apply to the first line of text as normal in the presence of initial letters."
> Given this:
> <style>
>   p { hanging-punctuation:first; }
>   p::first-letter { initial-letter:2; }
> </style>
> <p>"Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice [...]</p>
> Does the hanging quotation mark end up the same size as the C, or as the rest of the text?

The pseudo spec [1]  says that ::first-letter also selects leading
punctuation. So the hanging punctuation would be the same size as the

I'll try to address the various CJK issues later.

Thanks very much,



Received on Thursday, 11 December 2014 15:00:29 UTC