Re: [css-ruby] What does it mean for "ruby-position: inter-character" to force writing-mode to be vertical?

On 12/16/2014 07:53 AM, Koji Ishii wrote:
> The ruby-position inherits, but display doesn't. If we make the
> computed value of 'writing-mode' of the ruby annotation container to
> be 'vertical-rl', that should inherit to its descendants. Does this
> work?

I think it works, yeah.

Of course, this allows for authors to style the annotations themselves
to have a horizontal writing-mode, if they really want to (instead of
inheriting the container's "forced" vertical-rl value).  That's probably
a good thing, and the default behavior will be correct, which is also a
good thing.


Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2014 16:46:28 UTC