from March 2012 by subject

4 new tables

[owl changed again]

[owl changed again] Re: [prov-o] involvementClass property

[owl changed]

[owl changed] prov:Summarization removed

[owl changed] Re: [prov-o] involvementClass property

[owl changed] Re: New prov-o ontology!

[owl changed] Re: PROV-ISSUE-104 (time-class): How to relate start/end time to PE, use, generation, etc [Formal Model]

[owl changed] Re: PROV-ISSUE-262 (qualifier-property): entity used entity? [Ontology]

[owl changed] Re: PROV-ISSUE-291 (TLebo): Entity owl:disjointWith Activity [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

[owl changed] Re: PROV-ISSUE-302 (TLebo): PROV-O OWL review (1/6) Paolo [Ontology]

[owl changes] Re: prov-o review / comments

[prov examples] eg-9 created

[prov-html] Re: PROV-ISSUE-308 (prov-o-w3c-style): PROV-O HTML much conform to W3C Style [PROV-O HTML]

[provo-html] Re: PROV-ISSUE-119 (vanilla-rdf): How does vanilla RDF work with PROV Ontology [Formal Model]

[provo-html] Re: PROV-ISSUE-227 (dgarijo): Diagrams are not consistent in prov-o html [Ontology]

[provo-html] Re: PROV-ISSUE-270 (TLebo): automate HTML for OWL constructs [Ontology]

[provo-html] Re: PROV-ISSUE-282 (TLebo): no RDF/XML in PROV-O HTML; use Turtle [Ontology]

[provo] Issues still open, raised and pending against the provo html

[provo] Proposal for a Structure of the PROVO HTML Document

[provo] Re: PROV-ISSUE-269: involved property need to be renamed and its sup-properties need to be structured in a better manner

Alex Hall's review of the XSD 1.1 changes and their relevance to the RDF WG

ANN: Provenance Vocabulary now a domain specific extension of PROV-O

automated prov-o html prototype

Best practice for specialization

Bnodes (was: is wasGeneratedBy(e) meaningful?)

closing old collection issues

closing old collection issues -> the question of monotonicity of provenance

Collecting PROV examples

Collections in prov-o

Comments to the working draft 4 of DM

DC Terms - PROV Mapping

Deadline Approaching: 4th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW'2012)

deadline extension: SWPM2012 workshop @ ESWC (Role of Semantic Web in Provenance Management)

Derivation (again)

DM new Section 4.5 (Collections) available

entity, creation and destruction

Expiration (invalidation, destruction) of entities

Fwd: Can't RDF describe collection resources?

Fwd: FW: Review of Provenance DM documents

Fwd: PROV-WG Telecon Agenda 15 March 2012

Fwd: Re: simplifying attribution

Google Summer of Code 2012 - visualizing semantic data landscapes using cytoscape

hg problem

Meeting times 1hr earlier in europre, next two weeks.

modeling macted's example

Namespace for prov specs

need a scribe

New prov-o ontology!

Owl updated: hadQuoter/wasDerivedBy/etc

PROPOSALS TO VOTE ON (deadline: Wednesday 14th, midnight GMT)

PROV examples collection

PROV-DM (DM4) - review up to section

PROV-DM Simplication Reviewer Feedback...

PROV-DM: (DM4) proposed re-wording of abstract

PROV-ISSUE-102 (hadRecipe): Ontology is missing recipe link [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-103 (qualifiers-and-roles): Qualifiers and roles in the ontology [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-104 (time-class): How to relate start/end time to PE, use, generation, etc [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-107 (interoperability-rdf-serialization): is example provenance serialization in RDF inter-operable? [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-114 (Tlebo): is prov:wasDerivedFrom rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:dependedOn? [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-115 (Tlebo): prov:preceded should be replaced with prov:followed [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-116 (general-comments-on-ontology): General Comments On Ontology [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-117 (general-comments-on-formal-model-document): General Comments On Ontology Document [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-118 (shortcuts-in-provont): Ontology Does not model Shortcuts [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-123 (hadParticipant-subprops): prov:used and prov:wasControlledby should be subproperties of prov:hadParticipant

PROV-ISSUE-132 (YolandaGil): Improve the examples to make them more intuitive and of broader appeal in Provenance Data Model (PROV-DM) Draft [Data Model]

PROV-ISSUE-133 (YolandaGil): Producing and delivering resources as part of provenance in Provenance Data Model (PROV-DM) Draft [Data Model]

PROV-ISSUE-137 (collection-isolation): Collection assertions does not guarantee isolation [Data Model]

PROV-ISSUE-148 (WasScheduledAfter): wasScheduledAfter definition is difficult to understand

PROV-ISSUE-152 (QualifiedInvolvement): will the QualifiedInvolvement approach work for other relations? [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-157 (TLebo): wasInformedBy's non-transitivity

PROV-ISSUE-159 (Tlebo): note on how PROV-O inteprets DM's "type" and "subtype" [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-179 (TLebo): defaults to prov:steps="n" causes issue in PROV-O [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-182 (TLebo): stronger name for "wasAssociatedWith" [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-194: Section and Section (PROV-DM as on Nov 28)

PROV-ISSUE-195: Section (PROV-DM as on Dec 5)

PROV-ISSUE-196: Section 5.3.4 (PROV-DM as on Dec 5)

PROV-ISSUE-197: Section 5.4.1 and Section 5.4.2 (PROV-DM as on Dec 5)

PROV-ISSUE-199: Section 6.2 (PROV-DM as on Dec 5) [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-203: Proposal to amend definition and usage of Plan in PROV-DM [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-206 (agent-asserted-not-inferred): agents should not be inferred, and wasAssociatedWith should also work with entities [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-217 (account-asserter): What is the asserter of an account? [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-219 (prov:label): label attribute is required in PROV [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-220 (remove-summary): Remove wasSummaryOf relation [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-229 (Refactor-and-sub-edit): Document would benefit from refactoring and editing [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-230 (Name-scoping): Name scoping in DM is wrong concept [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-232 (TLebo): activity start/end: direct time upgrades to instantaneous events [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-235 (TLebo): add MAY to namespace defining "schema" [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-236 (TLebo): rendered provenance is a thing in the world [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-237 (TLebo): Rename Relation to Involvement [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-238 (TLebo): order relation sections to suit a natural traversal of the Relation table [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-239 (TLebo): is wasGeneratedBy(e) meaningful? [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-241 (TLebo): remove ex:order=2 in generation example

PROV-ISSUE-243 (TLebo): how to interpret ASN assertions with incomplete arity?

PROV-ISSUE-244 (TLebo): wasGeneratedBy(x,a,attrs,t) transposed arguments

PROV-ISSUE-245 (TLebo): entity was used -> __started__ to be used

PROV-ISSUE-248 (string-as-entity): How to model strings? [Formal Semantics]

PROV-ISSUE-249 (two-derivations): Why do we have 3 derivations? [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-251 (TLebo): put "location" attribute into prov: prefix [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-252 (TLebo): Examples for prescribed prov attributes location and time [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-255 (TLebo): rename ALL hadQualifiedXXX to simply prov:qualified

PROV-ISSUE-258 (TLebo): consolidate Association / Responsibility / Affiliation [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-260 (TLebo): In Note section: cite prov:Provenance as better practice to annotate assertions. [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-261 (TLebo): alternateOf is not owl:sameAs (rephrase definition) [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-264 (TLebo): citing an Involvement and not a more specific Involvement. [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-265 (TLebo): RL, why? [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-273 (name-for-asn): what name for the provenance notation [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-274 (wd4-feedback): feedback on WD4 [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-276 (TLebo): Ensure ProvRDF mappings appear in OWL (and vice versa) [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-277 (TLebo): Supporting property chains [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-278 (TLebo): Quotation does not follow hierarchy of wasQuotedFrom [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-279 (TLebo): Model subclasses of Derivation [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-280 (TLebo): {started,ended,used,wasGenerated}At <-> prov:qualified [ prov:atTime ] pattern [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-281 (TLebo): prov-o namspaces are not dereferencable [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-282 (TLebo): no RDF/XML in PROV-O HTML; use Turtle [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-283 (TLebo): Account, Note, Plan and Location subclasses of Entity? [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-284 (TLebo): startedAt and endedAt distinct from other attribute-value [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-285 (TLebo): prov:involved a owl:SymmetricProperty . [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-286 (TLebo): prov:Entity owl:subClassOf [ owl:onProperty prov:wasGeneratedAt; owl:maxCardinality 1 ] . [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-287 (TLebo): ProvRDF Generation issues [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-288 (TLebo): ProvRDF issues for Usage [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-289 (TLebo): provrdf issues for Agent association [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-29 (mutual-iVP-of): can two bobs be mutually "IVP of" each other [Conceptual Model]

PROV-ISSUE-290 (TLebo): duplicate wasStartedBy [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-291 (TLebo): Entity owl:disjointWith Activity [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-292 (TLebo): Responsibility mapping [ a EntityInvolvement, ActivityInvolvement ] ? [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-293 (TLebo): "subordinate and responsible" agents DM vs ASN [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-294 (TLebo): Derivation mapping needs to be updated [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-295 (TLebo): hasAnnotation [ a prov:Note ] [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-296 (TLebo): prov:Location rdfs:subClassOf wgs:SpatialThing ? [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-297 (TLebo): ProvenanceFormalModel.html#wascheduledafter [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-298 (TLebo): ProvRDF#Revision issues [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-299 (TLebo): ProvRDF#Attribution issues [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-300 (TLebo): Quote vs Quotation (Involvement versus Activity) [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-301 (TLebo): ProvRDF#Collections issues [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-302 (TLebo): PROV-O OWL review (1/6) Paolo [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-303 (TLebo): PROV-O OWL review (2/6) Paul [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-304 (TLebo): PROV-O OWL review (1/6) Simon [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-305 (TLebo): PROV-O OWL review (4/6) Jun [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-306 (TLebo): PROV-O OWL review (5/6) Luc [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-307 (TLebo): PROV-O OWL review (6/6) StephenC [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-308 (prov-o-w3c-style): PROV-O HTML much conform to W3C Style [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-309 (TLebo): using owltime:before on prov:InstantaneousEvents pattern [Best Practice Cookbook]

PROV-ISSUE-310 (map-dmwd4-provrdf): sync dm wd4 with provrdf page [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-311 (clarify-optionals): Clarify optional arguments in DM [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-312 (TLEBO): acknowledge developers of tools used to create PROV-O HTML [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-313 (TLEBO): organization of PROV-O classes/properties [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-314 (TLEBO): inconsistent comment location in PROV-O HTML cross referencing [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-315 (dgarijo): Mapping of subclass relationships [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-316 (dgarijo): Typo on prov:Trace

PROV-ISSUE-317 (dgarijo): the domain of hadRole includes Derivation [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-318 (dgarijo): Collections missing [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-319 (dgarijo): Domain of hasAnnotation [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-320 (dgarijo): Change the name of prov:Quotation

PROV-ISSUE-321 (dgarijo): Instances of involvements can be expressed without a subclass. [Ontology]

PROV-ISSUE-322 (dmwd4-provrdf-sync): sync ProvRDF to DM WD4 [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-323 (jzhao): Update text in [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-324 (jzhao): Leave prov:Account out of the initial release of provo.html [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-325 (jzhao): Update temporal properties in the current prov-o.html structure [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-326 (jzhao): Update temporal properties in the current prov-o.html structure [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-327 (jzhao): prov:Note as a core term in prov-o.html [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-328 (jhao): prov:wasStartedBy and prov:wasEndedBy as the core provenance terms [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-329 (jzhao): prov:wasStartedByActivity sub-property of prov:wasInformedBy? [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-330 (jzhao): Sanity check of the current prov-o.html structure [PROV-O HTML]

PROV-ISSUE-331 (review-dm-wd5): issue to collect feedback on prov-dm wd5 [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-332 (review-prov-n-wd5): issue to collect feedback on prov-n wd5 [prov-n]

PROV-ISSUE-333 (review-prov-dm-constraints-wd5): issue to collect feedback on prov-dm-constraints wd5 [prov-dm-constraints]

PROV-ISSUE-89 (what-entity-attributes): How do we find the attributes of an entity? [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-93: wasDerivedFrom is an owl sub-propety of dependedOn [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-95 (Recipes as Classes): Recipes as classes? [Conceptual Model]

PROV-ISSUE-96 (entities and roles): Relating Roled Entities with non-Roled Entities [Conceptual Model]

PROV-ISSUE-97 (TLebo): define prov:wasComplementOf [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-98: add "generated" to conceptual and OWL models [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-99: prov:eventuallyUsed - a transitive version of prov:used. [Formal Model]

PROV-O HTML prototype - available for WG feedback

prov-o meeting

prov-o review / comments

PROV-O Review Comments to Sections 1 - 3.1.6

prov-o simple vs. qualified table

Prov-o telecon - 3/19

prov-wg F2F3 meeting logistics

prov-wg meeting minutes 2012-02-23

prov-wg meeting minutes 2012-03-15

prov-wg: agenda Mar. 1, 2012

prov-wg: F2F3 poll

prov-wg: Minutes of the March 8, 2012 telcon

prov-wg: Minutes Telcon March 22, 2012

prov-wg: Minutes Telecon March 1, 2012

prov-wg: Telcon Agenda March 22, 2012

prov-wg: Telcon Minutes March 29, 2012

prov-wg: Telecon Agenda March 29, 2012

prov-wg: Telecon Agenda March 8, 2012

provenance in action (with a fancy UI)

ProvRDF <-> PROV-O coverage

Quality check of ProvRDF

rdf mapping of example in prov-dm example

reminder: prov-o call in one hour (12 noon US ET)

reminder: prov-o telecon today

Review of DM WD4

Review of Provenance DM documents

script to set up directory for examples

Scruffy vs proper

Scruffy vs proper (was: PROV-ISSUE-249 (two-derivations): Why do we have 3 derivations? [prov-dm])

Today's Prov-O Telecon Agenda

unchewed gum and coupons

using provenance is really a cultural issue

VOTE: PROV-DM Identifiers (deadline Wednesday 29/02, midnight GMT)

W3C F2F in SB: hotel rate alert

WD4 Internal release

{Disarmed} Feedback about DM draft 4

Last message date: Saturday, 31 March 2012 18:50:36 UTC